TIMMU, adult male

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TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

in this thread we follow TIMMU, adult male from Pärnu county (we follow his 4th spring migration)

TIMMU colour ring number: 704X
data source:

Adult black stork from Pärnu county, Estonia. Caught in the beginning of August 2020, on the old wood rafting channel Timmkanal, after which he was named. We only found out about Timmu's nest in the next year, because in 2020 he had no brood. After his capture and installation of the transmitter, Timmu stayed at the release point for several days probably due to stress and did not want to fly. But when he started flying, he went on migration on migration on August 17, 2020. Timmu made a stop in the southern part of Belarus on August 21, where he spent almost a month. Timmu then flew for two weeks without longer stop overs to winter in Ethiopia, near the Sudanese border. Timmu reached wintering site in October 2nd. He has a wintering area of ​​about 160 square kilometers.
During the spring migration (March 2nd - April 15th), Timmu did not make any long migration stops.
Breeding in 2021 was successful with two chicks fledged. Timmu also reached the same wintering place in 2021, but made two stops during the autumn migration, in southern Belarus and Romania. In time he started wintering in 2021, Ethiopia did not have as good a mobile network as a year earlier. Sometimes we had to wait a long time for data. Maybe it was caused by the conflict between Sudan and Ethiopia?

- Nesting 2023: 1 chick/ringed + 1 unhatched egg (info, photo viewtopic.php?p=20488#p20488)

Caught in the beginning of August 2020, on the old wood rafting channel Timmkanal, after which he was named. (info shared by our Madli)
Timmkanal (also New River) - in Häädemeeste Parish of Pärnu County (info https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timmkanal)

Spring migration 2024
The autumn migration stops in mid-February and the spring migration continues from the following day, the 15th = the bird map is set for spring migration and the new distance measurement starts from 15.02. However, the birdmap is sometimes ready a week or two later.
Our storks appear on the map continuously when they reach areas with GSM coverage after starting their journey north.

2O23: first birdmap update for Timmu - March 16

0/ departure/migration started on XY from XY

1/ crossing the Gulf of Suez on

2/ crossing the the Gulf of Iskenderun on
- Turkey (March 14)

3/ crossing the Sea of Marmara on XY via XY
- Ukraine (25.03), Latvia (27.03)

4/ arrival on
ESTONIA, Pärnu county - 28.03.2024

- Autumn-winter migration 2023-2024 viewtopic.php?f=89&t=139

Timmu started on 04.03 from Ethiopia. He crossed the Gulf of Suez on 09.03, the Gulf of Iskenderun on 12.03. The Sea of Marmara Kergu crossed via Dardanelles on 20.03. To Estonia he arrived on 12.04.2023.
(I am gradually adding the data, I accidentally deleted the entire documentation when moving it to the archive)

- SPRING MIGRATION 2022 viewtopic.php?f=49&t=55
spring migraton started on 10.03.2021 and arrival to the nesting area on 13.04.2022

spring migration started on 02.03.2021 and arrival to the nesting area on 07.04.2021


21.08.2023 pic shared by our Madli: Timmu visited the fish basket, had a good meal and around at 15h he began his journey ...

PHOTO https://media.voog.com/0000/0048/2495/p ... Urmas1.jpg
(source: https://www.talgud.ee/talgud/tulevased- ... utesoo2022)
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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

March 14

TURKEY: Yeniçiftlik - a village in the Biga District of Çanakkale Province

Big thx to our Madli for sharing news :D


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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by Adria »

So it's great that another stork has called and is fine :) .
We are waiting for similar news from other storks.
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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

March 15 - 16

we don't have new data from Timmu
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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

March 17 - 18

Timmu's transmitter must still have some kind of error.
(info shared by our Madli)

I hope it is true and Timmu is still on his way to Estonia. Fingers crossed!
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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

March 25 - data
Hello everyone :-)

Timmu sent a single point on 25.03 :D

Big thx to our Madli for sharing news :D

from (March 14)
TURKEY: Yeniçiftlik - a village in the Biga District of Çanakkale Province

to (March 25)
UKRAINE: Stratyn/Стратин - a village and rural municipality in Ivano-Frankivsk Raion of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (western UA)

(The village is situated in the valley of a small river or brook, surrounded by forests and fields.)
more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratyn)


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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

very nice STREET VIEW
Stratyn area - https://maps.app.goo.gl/E5wL5Li5fTuWr2uY8 by Роман Rum Apr 2016
on the nearby area (Zamek w Stratyniu, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine) - https://maps.app.goo.gl/yeLt3zTxdASziMkC7 by Роман Rum May 2016

more PHOTOS:
- https://1ua.com.ua/stratyn/foto/ua/%D0% ... oramio.com
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Stratyn

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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by marika.solo »

March 27 - data
Hello everyone :-)

Timmu sent a single point on 27.03 :D

Big thx to our Madli for sharing news :D
"Timmu's last point at 17.39. But it was a nice evening and good weather- maybe he continued flight and reached his nest, or he surely will arrive today ☺️"

from (March 25)
UKRAINE: Stratyn/Стратин - a village and rural municipality in Ivano-Frankivsk Raion of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (western UA)

to (March 27)
LATVIA: Ieriķi - a village in Drabeši parish of Cēsis Municipality
south from Gauja National Park


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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by Madli »

Hello everybody!

Timmu arrived to his nest today, 28.03 🥰
I wish him a successful nesting season and hopefully his female from last year will return to him!
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Re: TIMMU, adult male

Post by Adria »

Thanks, Madli, for the great news :)
So the first traveler is home 😍 .
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