Wolsztyn (Tytan and Tytania)

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Re: Wolsztyn (Tytan and Tytania)

Post by marika.solo »

September 23

FB Nadleśnictwo Piotrków,Lasy Państwowe is with BocianiMy.
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... 4791546042

Kinderek, pomierzony, zważony i oznakowany.
Pozostanie z nami w ośrodku do wiosny 2025r.

Kinderek, measured, weighed and tagged.
He will remain with us at the centre until spring 2025.

in comments:
Nadleśnictwo Piotrków,Lasy Państwowe ... pobrane zostały piórka do badania DNA. / feathers were taken for DNA testing

ring number 18X4


photo 1 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=942 ... 4867912223

photo 2 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=942 ... 4867912223

photo 3 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=942 ... 4867912223

photo 4 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=942 ... 4867912223
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Posts: 14544
Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38

Re: Wolsztyn (Tytan and Tytania)

Post by marika.solo »

September 29

FB Nadleśnictwo Piotrków,Lasy Państwowe is with BocianiMy.
VIDEO https://www.facebook.com/10006479154604 ... 3601891130

EDIT: to sokół krzyczy jak go zobaczył😁 / the falcon screams when he sees him😁

Pierwszy lot Kinderka. Uffff...
Miał tylko zapozować do zdjęcia 😁
Już jest bezpieczny w wolierze....a My spoceni😃

Kinderek's first flight. Phew...
He was just supposed to get posed for a photo 😁
Already safe in the aviary....and We sweated😃

103 days old (hatched 15.06.2024)
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Posts: 14544
Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38

Re: Wolsztyn (Tytan and Tytania)

Post by marika.solo »


question in comments
- ja bym się chciała dowiedzieć jak go do woliery ściągnęli z tego dachu 😉
- I'd like to know how they got him down to the aviary from that roof 😉

Nadleśnictwo Piotrków,Lasy Państwowe
- oczywiście rybkami 😀Szczęście że jest łakomczuchem 🙂
- with fish of course 😀Lucky he's a glutton/gourmand/foodie 🙂 .

łakomczuch: greedy for food, who likes to eat well (greedy eaters who like to eat well)
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