Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

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Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by marika.solo »

Bociany Czarne Online 2024 / Black Stork Online - transmisja z gniazda bocianów czarnych

documenting the life on streamed black stork nest of male named Florentino/Flo and female named Fermina/Fer in Łódź Forest District

the video transmission from the nest is streaming in Youtube

If disturbances in the stream happen, then the broadcast is restarted, working on a new link. You can always look up the new link from the RDLP YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RDLPwLodzi

The nest is situated in oak tree in the forest managed by the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Lodz. The live stream is the result of cooperation of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Lodz and the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz. This Black Stork online educational project is intended to educate viewers by showing nature in a real fashion. Thus, anything can happen. We do not intend to intervene. We observe, admire and let nature take its course.


streaming started:
(2023: 28.03)
- 22.03.2024

2023: female 02.04 at 16.49.26 and male: 02.04 at 17.43.10) - streaming started on 28.03 at 15.06.22 - empty nest; there was no stream for some days; they arrived/info prof.PZ most likely on 31.03.2023

- male Florentyno: 22.03.2024 at o 11:29 - viewtopic.php?p=27228#p27228
video: https://youtu.be/57RX7wyT4bE by our forum member Justyna

- female (new/ringed) Fermina: 23.03.2024 at viewtopic.php?p=27266#p27266
video: https://youtu.be/867tx_rG5ps by our forum member Bozena Isia
(female with the ring 110X was ringed by Krzysztof Dudzik from #KOO and #BocianiMy on June 16, 2018 in the nest of the Voivodeship Świętokrzyskie approximately 200 km to the SE - 6CY)

EGGSs- laying
(2023: 09.04 + 12.04 + 14.04 + 16.04)

- FIRST egg: 31.03 (first view at 02.01) viewtopic.php?p=27741#p27741
video by our forum member Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/fXdnZGlp6dU
- SECOND egg: 02.04 (first view at 01.02) viewtopic.php?p=27894#p27894
video by our forum member Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/WUONbaaXoy4?si=Nh3OjnEVEfSf8gcT
- THIRD egg: 04.04 (first view 00.31) viewtopic.php?p=28058#p28058
video by our forum member Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/RR4JEL_0wXw
- FOURTH egg: 06.04 at 2:02 viewtopic.php?p=28237#p28237
video by our forum member Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/DaYAekd910c?si=kMZA0pmK1xNgUrrn

the first hatching is expected approx. on 03.05

CHICKs - hatching
(2023: 14.05, 14.05 + 15.05 + 17.05)

- FIRST chick: 4.05
- SECOND chick: 04.05 (?)
- THIRD chick: 05.05
stream down from 03.05 - 21:00:51 to 05.05 - 19:01:37; in the evening 05.05 there are 3 chicks
video https://youtu.be/cLshqBwdTPA?feature=shared by our forum member Bozena Isia

- FOURTH chick: 06.05 - viewtopic.php?p=30885#p30885
video https://youtu.be/5oyem0ECWNs?feature=shared by our forum member Bozena Isia

youtube chat info: 26.07. at 9:42 PM Piotr Zieliński (hatching) viewtopic.php?p=38659#p38659

RINGING 20.06.2024
- viewtopic.php?p=35093#p35093
- two got transmitters (the biggest), both weighed 2900 g, two others: 12A6 - 2400, 12A7 - 2500 g
+ video by RDLP w Łodzi

btw. the nest is an oval 110 cm x 100 cm (info prof. P.Z.)

- storklet with white logger: FAla
- storklet with logger with black stripe: Filipek
12A6: Figaro
12A7: Finka

youtube chat info: 28.07. at 9:29 PM Piotr Zieliński: FAla and Filipek are males

1/ Finka - 10.07
video by our Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/K90M9SFAcdc?si=kJzoBHovpkxQHn-H
2/ Filipek - 10.07
video by our Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/BpOdfXZQeNk?si=zv0y5IWpCHXLyLZd
3/Fala - 11.07
video by our Bozena Isia https://youtu.be/DWaKzjJOM94?si=qk6qtibExqm1bTtv
4/ Figaro - 11.07 at 14.47.03 (arrival 15.04.12 after XYminutes)
video by our Alexandra https://youtu.be/igPjxt3QtR4


- 27.07 female FERMINA: the last time she was on the nest at 15:14

- 29.07 at 14.12 and next Finka, Filipek and FAla
video by Monka (thx!) https://youtu.be/pYYwrjHdeG4?si=Az1DJREBY_eWdK5w
- 04.08 at 11.16 Figaro (the youngest chick, female)
video by Monka (thx!)https://youtu.be/VjIkvV32TUU?si=XM3w_XENXVDrIab5

- 03.08 male FLORENTYNO: the last time he was on the nest and fed Figaro at 13.55
video by Monka (thx!)https://youtu.be/VjIkvV32TUU?si=XM3w_XENXVDrIab5

migration thread for Fala and Filipek: viewtopic.php?p=38458#p38458


- videos by TinaT https://www.youtube.com/@tinat7068
- "Black Stork, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland 2024" bozena Isia https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGrJ ... VPcSKtK9LB
- "Bociany Czarne - Łódź 2024" UrszulaNM https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP-G ... QkVqpvaTCV
- videos by Monka https://www.youtube.com/@Mon-xp2mb

Nest history
- Bociany Czarne Online (Black Storks Online) https://www.lodz.lasy.gov.pl/bocianyczarne

2023: viewtopic.php?p=11286#p11286
- 4 eggs, 4 chick hatched: one chick perished in accidental incident, 2 were kidnapped by hawk, male storklet named Fernando fledged
- last news viewtopic.php?p=26462#p26462 (previous viewtopic.php?p=26349#p26349)

2022: viewtopic.php?p=974#p974
- 5 eggs, 4 chick (2 perished) - 2 fledged: male Figo, female Fago
- last news viewtopic.php?p=26462#p26462

SEASON 2021 (recap): viewtopic.php?p=1086#p1086
- 4 eggs, 4 chick (1 died - brood reduction) - 3 fledged: Frezja, Felek and Florek

- informations: https://www.lodz.lasy.gov.pl/aktualnosc ... rne-onli-1
- FB https://www.facebook.com/LasyPanstwoweLodz/
- FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/bocianyczarneonline
- FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/blackstork.ciconianigra
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by Justyna »

March 22
Hello everyone :-)

22 marca 2024 przylot Florentino do gniazda o 11:29

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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

Florentino is back from migration/Florentino powrócił z migracji :)
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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

March 23

Short snapshots of Florentino's visits to the nest. He spent the night in the nest.
Krótkie migawki z wizyt Florentino w gnieździe. Noc spędził w gnieździe

Next arrival of Florentino and soon after him the female. This is not one of his partners from previous seasons. They didn't have rings. This one has a ring with number 110X or 110Y
Następny przylot Florentino, a zaraz po nim samicy. Samica to nie żadna z Fermin z poprzednich sezonów. One nie miały obrączek. Ta ma obrączkę z numer 110X lub 110Y

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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by Tina_T »

March 24

Welcome everyone in the new season :D
Witam wszystkich w nowym sezonie :D

0:45, 4:32, 6:28 matings/bocianienia

6:32:22 Flo flies out / Flo odlatuje
6:32:50 Flo comes back with a stick / Flo wraca z patykiem

06:34:07 Flo out / odlot Flo
06:35:01 Flo comes back with a branch / Flo wraca z gałązką

06:36:04 endearment / czułości ❤️

06:36:32 Flo out / odlot Flo odlot Flo
06:37:21 Flo brings moss / Flo przynosi mech

06:38:46 Flo out / odlot Flo / odlot Flo
06:40:11 Flo comes back with a stick / Flo wraca z patykiem

06:41:33 Flo out / odlot Flo
06:43:06 Flo comes back with a stick / Flo wraca z patykiem
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by Tina_T »

06:44:46 Flo out / odlot Flo
06:46:15 Flo comes back with a stick - in colors / Flo wraca z patykiem - w kolorach :)

A ring is better visible - it's 110X / Obrączka jest lepiej widoczna - to 110X

06:47:32 Flo out / odlot Flo
06:48:55 Flo comes back with a stick / / Flo wraca z patykiem

06:53:50 mating / bocianienie

06:56 Flo and female out / odlot Flo i samicy
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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

My mistake/Moja pomyłka Not Piotr Zieliński, this was a comment by BocianiMy on chat 24 marca.
The female with the 110X ring was ringed by Krzysztof Dudzik from #KOO and #BocianiMy on June 16, 2018 in the nest of the Voivodeship Świętokrzyskie approximately 200 km to the SE. This is the first statement of this bird!
Samicę z obrączką 110X zaobrączkował Krzysztof Dudzik z #KOO i #BocianiMy 16.06.2018 w gnieździe woj. świętokrzyskim ca 200 km na SE. To pierwsze stwierdzenie tego ptaka!
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by marika.solo »

Tina_T wrote: 24 Mar 2024, 13:22Welcome everyone in the new season :D ...
Hi Tina :-)
The code beginning with „1“ should be from Poland. I wrote to the ringing central in your country.
Prof. P.Z. maybe will inform sooner. Even this season, my posts quickly disappear from the chat of this nest.
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by marika.solo »

bozena Isia wrote: 24 Mar 2024, 13:50
as I expected ;-)
thank you Bozena :-)

this new female is 6CY - who knows where she nested before

Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by Iwona »

bozena Isia wrote: 24 Mar 2024, 13:50 Piotr Zieliński on chat 24 marca
The female with the 110X ring was ringed by Krzysztof Dudzik from #KOO and #BocianiMy on June 16, 2018 in the nest of the Voivodeship Świętokrzyskie approximately 200 km to the SE. This is the first statement of this bird!
Samicę z obrączką 110X zaobrączkował Krzysztof Dudzik z #KOO i #BocianiMy 16.06.2018 w gnieździe woj. świętokrzyskim ca 200 km na SE. To pierwsze stwierdzenie tego ptaka!
KOO to prawdziwi pracusie, pozostawiają po sobie "ślady" :) Nie bez powodu zostali finalistami konkursu KE :D
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