Rīgas mežos

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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

still Verotaj:
- Preparing the video revealed that after the fight from 9.34 to 9.57 the dark bill was crouching in the nest and whistling, while the other stork was sitting up all this time. He pooped twice (9.46 and 9.56)

I couldn't record the earlier battle anymore, I recorded a video of the battle at 9.34
I put a time stamp below the video if you are not interested in watching the entire content. Pressing on the time, the video will open the indicated situation
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

- some comments by Made
https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 44#p387244 (there is gif)

also this:
Ever since she arrived at TK, the female has been flapping her beak all the time - "drumming" to herself, "hiccuping" - in any case, I had not observed such behaviour before. This is clearly visible just before the big fight.
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

1/ the first battle - one opinion: the " nest owner" won
2/ the second battle (video) - one opinion: the female is attacked by a rival

video by our forum member Judit (the second battle)

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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

April 11
Hello everyone :-)

I need ask Verotaja if can I use info from their forum every day(until we have a member to document this nest)
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

youtube chat:

6:08 PM marika marika
Hi 🙂 who is this stork? the "black bill" male?
6:09 PM Edmunds Račinskis​​
No, apparently the black-billed male got kicked out earlier today.
6:14 PM marika marika
​​is this stork one of those who fought here yesterday? @Edmunds Račinskis
6:15 PMEdmunds Račinskis​​
That's the big question. I am not sure, wasn't following the stream myself.

8:35 PM Edmunds Rachinskis​​
Watching the events in the nest from 13:25 to 14:25, it seems to me that both birds of the chased pair returned to MK today.
At first she - as if restrained, but from time to time she pokes MK with her beak, as before PT. I can't judge by appearance that it is different from PM.
Then, more likely, returns to PT with a vengeance (and jealousy of one). Lose first, even if you don't give up. A redder bill with a dark spot in the middle, dark front of the legs.
​​Then finally at 14:25 PT he still wins another round.
​​So to that extent, I am inclined to think that neither four nor five storks here, but the same three are working on their own triangle. Most unclear about the female, but what would be the counterarguments that it's not the same PM?
Also later, as long as I'm patient, 11.04. in the evening the bird in the nest looks like the same PT. The first, the male of the pair. A redder bill with darkening in the middle and dark front of the legs.
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

April 12
Hello everyone :-)

- the goings on at this nest are very turbulent
- if you are interested in following the events and the comments of ornithologists, including Dr. Maris Strazds, please follow the dabasdati forum (today: https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 78#p387478 and/or keep an eye on youtube chat)


for night is the male alone on the nest
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

April 13
Hello everyone :-)

- if you are interested in following the events and the comments of ornithologists, including Dr. Maris Strazds, please follow the dabasdati forum (13.04 https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 98#p387698 and/or keep an eye on youtube chat)

stork is lonely
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

April 14
Hello everyone :-)

- if you are interested in following the events and the comments of ornithologists, including Dr. Maris Strazds, please follow the dabasdati forum (14.04: https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 31#p387931 and/or keep an eye on YouTube chat)

still lonely - stork is not renovating the nest, only very few new material delivery till now and no nest restoration (without female no motivation?)
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

April 15
Hello everyone :-)

- if you are interested in following the events and the comments of ornithologists, including Dr. Maris Strazds, please follow the dabasdati forum (15.04: https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 68#p388068 and/or keep an eye on YouTube chat)
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Re: Rīgas mežos

Post by marika.solo »

comments by Dr. M.S. via Edmunds Račinskis - thank you and big thank to Māris Strazds :D
https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 26#p388026
(GT - corrected)
Another comment from Māris which I received on 12.04, and with his permission I am "forwarding" to everyone:

"On distinguishing (these) birds. The gloss and/or its colour is a completely unusable feature. The black stork has all its feathers dark brown ("black" is a VERY silly name, apparently used for the first time by Carl Linnaeus and all others without seeing the bird nearby, without thinking about it, copies it), fresh/new feathers have an optical colour wich gives a shine - depending on the intensity of the light and the angle, it can look copper-green, bluish or purple-violet. This "colour" varies even within a few minutes - depending on the position of the feathers (hooked, damaged, etc. The same bird looks very different in the sun, fog, etc.

(rows of large feathers and wings spread, but at a distance like the camera here, these differences are very hard to see and to compare birds you need pictures that are in exactly the same pose (or close to it).
Worn feathers do not shine and it creates a bar code pattern on the wings (the rows of large feathers and wings spread, but at a distance such as the camera, these differences are very difficult to see and to compare the birds you need pictures that are in exactly the same position (or close to it). The old / new feathers can be seen well in reflected light (TK night mode), but they can also be distinguished well in the sun at a certain angle. This pattern is unique to each bird in one season.

Other valid features are forehead pattern (only seen well up close), bill shape, especially from the side (not colour! which changes seasonally), size, proportions, amount of black shields on leg scales (not dirt), the size and shape of the shoulders and various individual characteristics (white feathers where they should not be, defects, etc.).

These details are also not as good as I would like (people write that you can zoom in on a tablet - if this also gives better resolution, you should ask to get the same zoomed in images of the birds of interest - I don't have that option), but you can see some things quite well from the back, a valid comparison is the shape and position of the feathers on the back, especially if they have any defects - gaps, frayed ends, etc. But - very important - the poses must be identical!"
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