in this thread we follow male KRUM (hatched 2023) from the streamed nest in the Rescue Station Makov (we follow Krum's 2nd autumn-winter migration)
KRUM colour ring number: 68VM (2CY)
(CY = calendar year; birds are aged as the number of calendar years they have lived in, with the year they were born in as the 1st calendar year and increasing past every January 1st.)
naming: ... 996#p25996
public source of information:
Krum (male, hatched 2023) autumn migration 2024
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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
Autumn-winter migration 2024-2025
0/ departure
- migration started on 19.08 (HU, Tiszavasvári district)
- 19.08 ... 506#p39506
1/ stop over site:
- from 20.08 to 16.09 (30 days)
- Hungary: Maroslele + Álgyo area
- 20.08 ... 507#p39507
- (17.09 ... 773#p39773)
travelling days:
- Serbia (17.09) - Romania (18.09) - Bulgaria (19.09)
2/ arrival (wintering destination) on 20.09 ... 852#p39852
- Bulgaria: Belozem
migration: 33 days (stop over: 30 days + next travelling: 3 days)

continuation - Spring migration 2025:
Spring-summer migration 2024
- overview:
- summer destination: north-west Hungary
Autumn- winter migration 2023/24
- overview:
- wintering place: Bulgaria (Upper Thracian Plain)
0/ departure
- migration started on 19.08 (HU, Tiszavasvári district)
- 19.08 ... 506#p39506
1/ stop over site:
- from 20.08 to 16.09 (30 days)
- Hungary: Maroslele + Álgyo area
- 20.08 ... 507#p39507
- (17.09 ... 773#p39773)
travelling days:
- Serbia (17.09) - Romania (18.09) - Bulgaria (19.09)
2/ arrival (wintering destination) on 20.09 ... 852#p39852
- Bulgaria: Belozem
migration: 33 days (stop over: 30 days + next travelling: 3 days)

continuation - Spring migration 2025:
Spring-summer migration 2024
- overview:
- summer destination: north-west Hungary
Autumn- winter migration 2023/24
- overview:
- wintering place: Bulgaria (Upper Thracian Plain)
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- Posts: 16696
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)


- Upper Thracian Plain (Bulgarian: Горнотракийска низина, Gornotrakiyska nizina) is located in southern Bulgaria, between Sredna Gora mountains to the north and west (a secondary mountain chain parallel to the main Balkan Mountains); the Rhodopes, Sakar and Strandzha to the south; and the Black Sea to the east. The climate is transitional continental. (



- Upper Thracian Plain (Bulgarian: Горнотракийска низина, Gornotrakiyska nizina) is located in southern Bulgaria, between Sredna Gora mountains to the north and west (a secondary mountain chain parallel to the main Balkan Mountains); the Rhodopes, Sakar and Strandzha to the south; and the Black Sea to the east. The climate is transitional continental. (

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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
In the season 2023 two black stork chick fledged in the Rescue Station Makov (parents - handicapped pair). Both headed to the eastern migration flyway.
Male KRUM wintered in Bulgaria, female IŞIK continued to the south. After long stay in Turkey (Lake Işıklı: 02.10 - 25.10 + Belemedik (Pozantı) area 28.10 - 16.12) we lost contact with her on 19.12.2023 not far from the Syrian border in Turkey (viewtopic.php?p=25958#p25958).
Krum moved for summer to Hungary.

Male KRUM wintered in Bulgaria, female IŞIK continued to the south. After long stay in Turkey (Lake Işıklı: 02.10 - 25.10 + Belemedik (Pozantı) area 28.10 - 16.12) we lost contact with her on 19.12.2023 not far from the Syrian border in Turkey (viewtopic.php?p=25958#p25958).
Krum moved for summer to Hungary.

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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
August 19 data
Hello everyone
Krum moved to the south, his autumn migration started / Krum sa vydal na juh, jeho jesenná migrácia započala
- Hungary: Tiszavasvári district
- Hungary: Szajol - a village in Szolnok District of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
(night in forest area near the Tisza river)

somewhere there Krum spent the night (the construction of the new railway pond -

big PHOTO ... 5gU7=h1440
or this view ... scaled.jpg
Hello everyone

Krum moved to the south, his autumn migration started / Krum sa vydal na juh, jeho jesenná migrácia započala
- Hungary: Tiszavasvári district
- Hungary: Szajol - a village in Szolnok District of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
(night in forest area near the Tisza river)

somewhere there Krum spent the night (the construction of the new railway pond -

big PHOTO ... 5gU7=h1440
or this view ... scaled.jpg
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- Posts: 16696
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
August 20 data
Hello everyone
Krum headed south - from Szeged to Szolnok / Krum zamieril na juh – od Szegedu ku Szolnoku
- Hungary: Szajol - a village in Szolnok District of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
(night in the forest area near the Tisza river)
- Hungary: Maroslele - a village in Makó District of Csongrád-Csanád County
(night on the fields near one melioration canal)
Maroslele is situated in the south-eastern part of Hungary, in Csongrád-Csanád county, between the rivers Tisza and Mures, on the right bank of the latter. Not far from the village, the Maros flows into the Tisza. Before the rivers were regulated, it was a highly waterlogged area, with vast reed beds and marshy swamps. (

Hello everyone

Krum headed south - from Szeged to Szolnok / Krum zamieril na juh – od Szegedu ku Szolnoku
- Hungary: Szajol - a village in Szolnok District of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
(night in the forest area near the Tisza river)
- Hungary: Maroslele - a village in Makó District of Csongrád-Csanád County
(night on the fields near one melioration canal)
Maroslele is situated in the south-eastern part of Hungary, in Csongrád-Csanád county, between the rivers Tisza and Mures, on the right bank of the latter. Not far from the village, the Maros flows into the Tisza. Before the rivers were regulated, it was a highly waterlogged area, with vast reed beds and marshy swamps. (

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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
situation at 16h

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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
there is he moving - searching for food
tam sa pohybuje - hľadá potravu

STREET VIEW - Maroslele, Csongrád; Google Street View; May 2024
tam sa pohybuje - hľadá potravu

STREET VIEW - Maroslele, Csongrád; Google Street View; May 2024
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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
Krum knows this area from previous season
Krum pozná túto oblasť z minulej sezóny

Maroslele area (2023: viewtopic.php?p=24619#p24619)

Krum pozná túto oblasť z minulej sezóny

Maroslele area (2023: viewtopic.php?p=24619#p24619)

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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023)
for the night's rest Krum moved deeper from the road / na nočný odpočinok sa Krum presunul hlbšie od cesty

(in the early morning - situation at 4h UTC - Krum is again near the melioration canal / skoro ráno - situácia o 4h UTC - Krum je opäť v blízkosti melioračného kanála)

(in the early morning - situation at 4h UTC - Krum is again near the melioration canal / skoro ráno - situácia o 4h UTC - Krum je opäť v blízkosti melioračného kanála)