posted already in thread for Kuremari previous season ... zds#p24230
the Latvian female Mare spent there long time (I still miss she very, very much)
btw. I read (and it's already published somewhere) that rice cultivation has already disappeared there, but I don't know the current situation/this year
GT translation
The rice fields there
Rīsa lauks būtībā ir dīķis, kam pa perimetru ir tīrs notekgrāvītis ar ūdeni (kurā ir zivis), bet visu platību klāj rīsi.
A paddy field is basically a pond with a clean ditch of water around the perimeter (with fish in it), but the entire area is covered by rice.

source by Dr. M. Strazds
Melno stārķu te ir „kā dubļu” – vienā pašā Mares „dīķī” Emanuēls saskaita 23, bet visus neredz, arī raidītāju nevienam putnam nepamanām.
There are black storks here "like mud" - in one Mare's "pond" Emanuel counts 23, but he does not see all of them, nor do we notice the transmitter of any bird.

source by Dr. M. Strazds
Dīķos ir milzīga putnu bagātība, visvairāk te ir brūno ibisu, kuru barā lidojošu melno stārķi var arī nepamanīt. Nemaz tik atšķirīga lieluma viņi nav.
There is a huge wealth of birds in the ponds, mostly glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), in the flock of which you may not notice a flying black stork. They are not that different in size. (Marika: black storks have a straight bill)

source by Dr. M. Strazds