in this thread we follow male KRUM (hatched 2023) from the streamed nest in the Rescue Station Makov (we follow Krum's 2nd spring-summer migration)
KRUM colour ring number: 68VM (3CY)
naming: ... 996#p25996
public source of information:
autumn-winter migration (to 14.02.2025)
Spring-summer migration 2025
(2024: on 15.02 Krum is still in his wintering area)
migration started
(2024: 07.05)
departure (summer destination)
- Autumn-winter migration 2025-2026
Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
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Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
Spring-summer migration 2024
on 15.02.2024 Krum is still in his wintering area: BULGARIA, Stara Zagora Province (Upper Thracian Plain), stork moved not very far to the west
Lyuben (17.02), Belozem (26.02)
Spring migration started on May 07
- Bulgaria: (07.,08.05) - Serbia (09.,10.,11.,12.05)
- HUNGARY (13.,14.- 17.05, 18.-19.05, 20.05 - 21.05, 22.05 - 04.07)
- Slovakia (05.07 - 12.07; Perínsky ponds, Rešica)
- Hungary (13.07 - 18.08; Tiszavasvári - Tiszadob)
Departure to the main area on 19.08 (HU)
Autumn migration started on 17.09 from HU - arrival to Belozem BG 21.09 (crossing the border on 20.09)
- unfortunately, I didn't make a map in the fall and now this period is not shown to me
- simplified Makov map (overnight stays are marked and connected with lines)

summer in Hungary

on 15.02.2024 Krum is still in his wintering area: BULGARIA, Stara Zagora Province (Upper Thracian Plain), stork moved not very far to the west
Lyuben (17.02), Belozem (26.02)
Spring migration started on May 07
- Bulgaria: (07.,08.05) - Serbia (09.,10.,11.,12.05)
- HUNGARY (13.,14.- 17.05, 18.-19.05, 20.05 - 21.05, 22.05 - 04.07)
- Slovakia (05.07 - 12.07; Perínsky ponds, Rešica)
- Hungary (13.07 - 18.08; Tiszavasvári - Tiszadob)
Departure to the main area on 19.08 (HU)
Autumn migration started on 17.09 from HU - arrival to Belozem BG 21.09 (crossing the border on 20.09)
- unfortunately, I didn't make a map in the fall and now this period is not shown to me
- simplified Makov map (overnight stays are marked and connected with lines)

summer in Hungary

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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
Krum is still in the area of his wintering destination.
- arrival to wintering destination: 20.09.2024
- 2024: spring migration started on May 07.
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information)

Plovdiv Province:
Rakovski Municipality:
- ... %BD%D0%B0)
- ... 0%B5%D0%BC
Upper/Northern Thracian Plane:
Maritsa river:
- / ... 1%86%D0%B0
Srebra (Silver) river:
The river is also known by the names Zlatoselska River, Zlatna River, Zlata, sometimes the lower reaches of the river are called by the names of the tributaries Karadere or Azmak. ( ... 1%80%D0%B0)
Almost all of the river's waters are utilised for irrigation for the intensive agriculture in the Upper Thracian Plain
- arrival to wintering destination: 20.09.2024
- 2024: spring migration started on May 07.
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information)

Plovdiv Province:
Rakovski Municipality:
- ... %BD%D0%B0)
- ... 0%B5%D0%BC
Upper/Northern Thracian Plane:
Maritsa river:
- / ... 1%86%D0%B0
Srebra (Silver) river:
The river is also known by the names Zlatoselska River, Zlatna River, Zlata, sometimes the lower reaches of the river are called by the names of the tributaries Karadere or Azmak. ( ... 1%80%D0%B0)
Almost all of the river's waters are utilised for irrigation for the intensive agriculture in the Upper Thracian Plain
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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
February 15
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information)
WEATHER situation - today and next days / počasie dnes a nasledujúce dni (source:

right now: minus 1°C mostly clear it feels like -1° /práve teraz: mínus 1°C , prevažne jasno, na pocit -1°
max. plus 16°C is expected today (night -2°C) / očakáva sa max. plus 16°C (noc -5°C)
sunrise 07.16 - sunset 17.51 (Length of day: 10h 34min) / východ slnka 07:16 - západ slnka 17.51 (dĺžka dňa: 10h 34min)
Hello everyone

Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information)
WEATHER situation - today and next days / počasie dnes a nasledujúce dni (source:

right now: minus 1°C mostly clear it feels like -1° /práve teraz: mínus 1°C , prevažne jasno, na pocit -1°
max. plus 16°C is expected today (night -2°C) / očakáva sa max. plus 16°C (noc -5°C)
sunrise 07.16 - sunset 17.51 (Length of day: 10h 34min) / východ slnka 07:16 - západ slnka 17.51 (dĺžka dňa: 10h 34min)
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- Posts: 16113
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
locations/lines on the map are still in two days / stále sú na mape lokalizácie/čiary za dva dni
situation at 10h UTC
- Krum flew for an hour in the morning until he finally landed at yesterday's irrigation canal. From there, he moved an hour later to a field by the Azmaka River.
- Krum si ráno hodinu polietal až napokon pristál pri včerajšom zavlažovacom kanáli Odtiaľ sa presunul po hodine na pole pri riečke Azmaka.

weather right now: 14°C Mostly clear It feels like 14°
/počasie práve teraz: 14°C prevažne jasno
situation at 10h UTC
- Krum flew for an hour in the morning until he finally landed at yesterday's irrigation canal. From there, he moved an hour later to a field by the Azmaka River.
- Krum si ráno hodinu polietal až napokon pristál pri včerajšom zavlažovacom kanáli Odtiaľ sa presunul po hodine na pole pri riečke Azmaka.

weather right now: 14°C Mostly clear It feels like 14°

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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
locations/lines on the map are still in two days / stále sú na mape lokalizácie/čiary za dva dni
situation at 13.52 UTC
- Krum continued to the north from the field where he spent 4 hours (7.20-11.20) for another circling over his favourite area. After another almost 5 minutes of circling there, he moved at 11.41 south to the Maritsa River. He circled over the river from 12 to 13.40. Then he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying.
- Krum odletel z poľa kde pobudol 4h (7:20-11:20) smerom na sever na ďalšie krúženie nad obľúbenou oblasťou. Po ďalších takmer 5 minútach krúženia tam sa o 11:41 presunul smerom na juh k rieke Maritsa. Nad riekou krúžil od 12 do 13.40. Potom odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel.

situation at 13.52 UTC

- Krum continued to the north from the field where he spent 4 hours (7.20-11.20) for another circling over his favourite area. After another almost 5 minutes of circling there, he moved at 11.41 south to the Maritsa River. He circled over the river from 12 to 13.40. Then he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying.
- Krum odletel z poľa kde pobudol 4h (7:20-11:20) smerom na sever na ďalšie krúženie nad obľúbenou oblasťou. Po ďalších takmer 5 minútach krúženia tam sa o 11:41 presunul smerom na juh k rieke Maritsa. Nad riekou krúžil od 12 do 13.40. Potom odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel.

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Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
locations/lines on the map are still in two days / stále sú na mape lokalizácie/čiary za dva dni
situation at 15.49 UTC
- ... he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying. Krum landed in a field south of the Azmaka River and (probably) foraged there until 14.30 UTC. Our stork continued to the north/NW to another ("new") irrigation canal. (sunset today: 17.51)
- ... odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel. Krum pristál na poli na juh od riečky Azmaka a (asi) tu hľadal potravu do 14.30. Odletel smerom na S/SZ k ďalšiemu ("novému") zavlažovaciemu kanálu. (západ slnka dnes: 17:51)

situation at 15.49 UTC
- ... he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying. Krum landed in a field south of the Azmaka River and (probably) foraged there until 14.30 UTC. Our stork continued to the north/NW to another ("new") irrigation canal. (sunset today: 17.51)
- ... odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel. Krum pristál na poli na juh od riečky Azmaka a (asi) tu hľadal potravu do 14.30. Odletel smerom na S/SZ k ďalšiemu ("novému") zavlažovaciemu kanálu. (západ slnka dnes: 17:51)

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- Posts: 16113
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
locations/lines on the map are still in two days / stále sú na mape lokalizácie/čiary za dva dni
situation at 21h UTC
Krum spends the third night in the same place / tretiu noc trávi Krum na tom istom mieste

WEATHER night and next / počasie noc a ďalej

right now: plus 5°C cloudy It feels like +2°(GT) / práve teraz: +5°C zamračené, na pocit +2°
expected minimum: +2°C
Weather Forecast BG (February 16, 2025): We expect precipitation from snow and a passing cold front
( ... uden-front)
situation at 21h UTC
Krum spends the third night in the same place / tretiu noc trávi Krum na tom istom mieste

WEATHER night and next / počasie noc a ďalej

right now: plus 5°C cloudy It feels like +2°(GT) / práve teraz: +5°C zamračené, na pocit +2°
expected minimum: +2°C
Weather Forecast BG (February 16, 2025): We expect precipitation from snow and a passing cold front
( ... uden-front)
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- Posts: 16113
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
whole day 15.02.2025
Bulgaria: Belozem - a village in Rakovski Municipality of Plovdiv Province
- (10h) Krum flew for an hour in the morning until he finally landed at yesterday's irrigation canal. From there, he moved an hour later to a field by the Azmaka River.
- (13.52) Krum continued to the north from the field where he spent 4 hours (7.20-11.20) for another circling over his favourite area. After another almost 5 minutes of circling there, he moved at 11.41 south to the Maritsa River. He circled over the river from 12 to 13.40. Then he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying.
- (15.49) ... he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying. Krum landed in a field south of the Azmaka River and (probably) foraged there until 14.30 UTC. Our stork continued to the north/NW to another ("new") irrigation canal. (sunset today: 17.51)
- (21h) Krum spends the third night in the same place
- (10h) Krum si ráno hodinu polietal až napokon pristál pri včerajšom zavlažovacom kanáli Odtiaľ sa presunul po hodine na pole pri riečke Azmaka.
- (13.52) Krum odletel z poľa kde pobudol 4h (7:20-11:20) smerom na sever na ďalšie krúženie nad obľúbenou oblasťou. Po ďalších takmer 5 minútach krúženia tam sa o 11:41 presunul smerom na juh k rieke Maritsa. Nad riekou krúžil od 12 do 13.40. Potom odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel.
- (15.49) ... odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel. Krum pristál na poli na juh od riečky Azmaka a (asi) tu hľadal potravu do 14.30. Odletel smerom na S/SZ k ďalšiemu ("novému") zavlažovaciemu kanálu. (západ slnka dnes: 17:51)
- (21h) tretiu noc trávi Krum na tom istom mieste

uploaded by Stoian Gruev on 07.10.2024 ... 0261527285
Bulgaria: Belozem - a village in Rakovski Municipality of Plovdiv Province
- (10h) Krum flew for an hour in the morning until he finally landed at yesterday's irrigation canal. From there, he moved an hour later to a field by the Azmaka River.
- (13.52) Krum continued to the north from the field where he spent 4 hours (7.20-11.20) for another circling over his favourite area. After another almost 5 minutes of circling there, he moved at 11.41 south to the Maritsa River. He circled over the river from 12 to 13.40. Then he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying.
- (15.49) ... he flew to the northern part and immediately turned south to the Azmaka River. At 13.52 (latest data) he was still flying. Krum landed in a field south of the Azmaka River and (probably) foraged there until 14.30 UTC. Our stork continued to the north/NW to another ("new") irrigation canal. (sunset today: 17.51)
- (21h) Krum spends the third night in the same place
- (10h) Krum si ráno hodinu polietal až napokon pristál pri včerajšom zavlažovacom kanáli Odtiaľ sa presunul po hodine na pole pri riečke Azmaka.
- (13.52) Krum odletel z poľa kde pobudol 4h (7:20-11:20) smerom na sever na ďalšie krúženie nad obľúbenou oblasťou. Po ďalších takmer 5 minútach krúženia tam sa o 11:41 presunul smerom na juh k rieke Maritsa. Nad riekou krúžil od 12 do 13.40. Potom odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel.
- (15.49) ... odletel do severnej časti a ihneď sa otočil na juh k riečke Azmaka. O 13.52 (najnovšie údaje) ešte stále letel. Krum pristál na poli na juh od riečky Azmaka a (asi) tu hľadal potravu do 14.30. Odletel smerom na S/SZ k ďalšiemu ("novému") zavlažovaciemu kanálu. (západ slnka dnes: 17:51)
- (21h) tretiu noc trávi Krum na tom istom mieste

uploaded by Stoian Gruev on 07.10.2024 ... 0261527285
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- Posts: 16113
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Czechia (Makov RS) - KRUM, male hatched 2023
February 16
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information)
WEATHER situation - today and next days / počasie dnes a nasledujúce dni (source:

right now: plus 2°C cloudy it feels like minus 1° /práve teraz: +2°C, zamračene, na pocit -1°
max. plus 6°C is expected today (night +1°C) / očakáva sa max. plus 6°C (noc +1°C)
sunrise 07.15 - sunset 17.53 (Length of day: 10h 37min) / východ slnka 07:15 - západ slnka 17.53 (dĺžka dňa: 10h 37min)
Hello everyone

Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information)
WEATHER situation - today and next days / počasie dnes a nasledujúce dni (source:

right now: plus 2°C cloudy it feels like minus 1° /práve teraz: +2°C, zamračene, na pocit -1°
max. plus 6°C is expected today (night +1°C) / očakáva sa max. plus 6°C (noc +1°C)
sunrise 07.15 - sunset 17.53 (Length of day: 10h 37min) / východ slnka 07:15 - západ slnka 17.53 (dĺžka dňa: 10h 37min)