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Re: small talking

Post by Veronika »

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Re: small talking

Post by marika.solo »

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Re: small talking

Post by Madli »

Happy and peaceful Easter!


Eggs colored by my children :D
pinki flyd
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Re: small talking

Post by pinki flyd »

Hello to all,
I don't know if I'm right here, but I guess here it's right for off topic.
One of the 4 of my home storklets, all are fledged, suddenly tipped over on the nest today and was dead.
All observers and those responsible are shocked. He has been recovered and will be examined.
The other 3 are behaving normally.
They always gather in the nest in the evening. I am very sad, it is so unexpected and mysterious :cry:
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Re: small talking

Post by marika.solo »

pinki flyd wrote: 16 Jul 2022, 21:36
Hi Pinki,
I am very sad :cry: . Every year some kind of tragedy on this nest :-( (like in Jõgeva - and this situation remembered me on the little Benjamin). Finger crossed very much for the remaining trio!

If they are some neurological issues, maybe they are sensitive to chemicals in the environment (food)? I am curious if there will be some explanation after necropsy.

and thank you for your thought in the K+K thread :-)
pinki flyd
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Re: small talking

Post by pinki flyd »

Hello marika,
thank you for your compassionate words.

It was one of the older siblings and he was fit and healthy until just yesterday early evening. It was the 2nd who became fledged.
I suspect poisoning, he came into the nest, his behavior was strange (he seemed aphatic ), a parent flew in and fed, he showed no interest in food, suddenly he collapsed, but of course we only know it when we have results..
Btw the youngest, his mother wanted to throw him out of the nest at the age of 5 weeks (maybe caused by lack of food), he is fine, flies well and lands safely and skillfully in the nest .
I can still see the scars on his head and neck which he got with the fights with his mother.
Unfortunately I have to say that the nest has a bad surprise every year...
all fingers crossed for the left trio
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Re: small talking

Post by Madli »

Hi Pinki!
I'm very sorry to see these sad news. Life keeps throwing sticks and stones on our way..and I also hope that there will be an answer to this mysterious death.
I wish the best for the rest of the young storks.
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Re: small talking

Post by marika.solo »

pinki flyd wrote: 17 Jul 2022, 22:19
- let's hope that the cause of death will be revealed, because only then can preventive measures be implemented (if possible)
- the weather is still less favourable for successful breeding, especially for clutches with more than 2 storklets (infanticide so late is very, very rare) - I feel sorry for the youngest storklet, but also for you, dear Pinki, who saw that :(
- please let us know when you know anything
pinki flyd
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Re: small talking

Post by pinki flyd »

Hello to all,
Today my hometown trio joined a group of young storks and started their big trip to the winter quarters. I saw them from my window, there were a total of 14 young storks.
The departure of the young storks takes place much earlier this year than in previous years.
Maybe because of big dryness, food is hard to find. But no proof..
I am very happy that the Benjamin of this nest has also managed to start this journey. He fought so hard for his life for many days, he deserved to live and fly :D

There is no news about the suddenly deceased eldest sibling so far. I'm also not sure if they publish a result But if they do, I'll let you know.
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Re: small talking

Post by Madli »

Hi Pinki!

Thanks for the update. It's good to see that the rest of this brood is doing well and started their journey already. Hopefully the group is successful and I wish a safe flight for everyone ;)

Now you have an emty nest :cry:
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