Wolsztyn (Tytan and Skierka)

documenting the life on streamed black stork nests
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Maria L
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Maria L »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

06 kwietnia

Witam Wszystkich :-),

Kolejny dzień bez nowych wydarzeń i wiadomości o Skierce.
Czekamy dalej...
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Maria L
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Maria L »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

07 kwietnia

Witam Wszystkich:-),

kolejny dzień bez nowych wiadomości,
od 18:54:08 buffering :-(
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Maria L
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Maria L »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

08 kwietnia

Witam Wszystkich:-),

wznowienie przekazu ok. 14:24,
przejrzałam dostępny zapis live stream od 09:56:23 - żaden bocian czarny się nie pojawił,
nie ma też nowych informacji o Skierce

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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Madli »

Thank you Maria for your contributions!

I hope that Tytan ( or any male) arrives very soon and that Skierka is able to come to the nest! Now it should already be the right time for arrivals...

But let's wait and see!

Thank you again ;)
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Maria L
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Maria L »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

09 kwietnia

Witam Wszystkich:-),

dzisiaj udało mi się "złapać" parkę dzięciołów dużych

poza tym cicho i spokojnie, brak informacji o Skierce, żaden bociek się nie pojawił :-(

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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by marika.solo »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

April 10

Hello everyone :-)

VIDEO by KOO Miłosne perypetie Skierki / Skierka's amorous adventures (10 Apr 2022)

pic from this video

Unfortunately, the male Tytan, who nested with Skierka last season in the Wolsztyn Forest District, still has not arrived. Of course, the "faithful" stork was the first to visit this nest, it waited, but ... because "the heart is not a servant", it set off on the flights of other known nests and storks. From the day of her return from the wintering grounds, she spent one week with a male in the Bolewice Forest District, the second week with another male in the Kościan Forest District. She returned to Wolsztyn for a short while several times. At the end of April 1, she found a "handsome" stork in another nest in the Bolewice Forest District, where she has been incubating since April 8. In total, from March 11 to April 1, she visited nests at a distance of 18, 25 and 40 km from the nest in Wolsztyn and flew 1153 km. As you can see, the choice of nests and partners in birds is not always so clear-cut. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the nests of black storks with protection zones, of which there were 676 in the State Forests in 2020. Birds remember the location of many nests very well, they visit them and it happens that they return to some even after 5-10 years. Recording thanks to D. Kujawa.
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Maria L
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Maria L »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

Witam Wszystkich :-),

No cóż, po powyższej informacji pozostaje nam czekać na Tytana i jego nową partnerkę...

a tym czasem gniazdo odwiedzili:
1. Dzięcioł duży (Dendrocopos major)

2. Sójka (Garrulus glandarius)

Czekamy na Tytana...
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by marika.solo »

Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn / Bocian czarny Online Wolsztyn https://youtu.be/n9DOrRFaYA4

April 11
Hello everyone :-)

most probably the male Tytan arrived today at 09:20:58

VIDEO POWRÓT TYTANA!!! nareszcie / THE RETURN OF TYTAN !!! at last

by our Maria L. - thank you :-)

pic form this video:

VIDEO Pierwsze chwile zadumy, skok na konar i odlot / The first moments of reflection, jump on the branch and departure

by our Maria L. - thank you :-)

"Poor guy, he does not know that he will have to look for a new partner, but he will manage it 👍"
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Madli »

Welcome home Tytan! :D

09.20.58 The stork arrives! He starts to sing.
He starts to arrange the twigs on the side of the nest straight away. He must be familiar with the nest ;)
Image Image

09.32 He jumps onto the high branch.
09.33 The stork flies away to the right.
Image Image

Hopefully Tytan returns with a female soon!
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Re: Tytan and Skierka (Wolsztyn)

Post by Madli »

16.44.58 Stream stopped...
The nest is still emty.

20.21.42 Stream resumed, but the nest is emty for the night..
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