Re: Discussion about migration

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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by Adria »

Well, that's a tragedy, to die of hunger, she wanted to get back to the nest and she didn't make it :cry: .
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by Iwona »

marika.solo wrote: 01 Aug 2023, 13:36 JOLA
- died in the evening 29.07 because hunger (300 m to the north from the nest).
No evidence confirming the cause of Jola's death.
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Iwona wrote: 01 Aug 2023, 18:41
true, without necropsy we don't know

"Niestety złe wieści. Szukaliśmy Joli od soboty, odnaleziona dziś martwa, Prawdopodobnie padła wieczorem 29.07 z głodu 300 m na NE od gniazda. Nie podjęła migracji. 27.07 poleciała 3,5 km ale wróciła." (Dariusz Anderwald)

"Unfortunately, bad news. We've been looking for Jola since Saturday, found dead today, She probably died of hunger in the evening of July 29, 300 m NE from the nest. She didn't start the migration. On July 27 she flew 3.5 km but she came back." (Dariusz Anderwald)

I corrected my post about Jola
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »


- last seen on the nest on 18.07 at 15.13 (all storklets flew in hurry out - young people walked under the nest), Darek and Stefan never returned to the nest (age: only about 72 days old)
- 22.07 morning info: Stefan and Darek, are together 35 km W from the nest. They spent the night in an old mixed forest so/db/bk in the Sulęcin Forest District. They flew together
- 22.07 evening info: Darek set off today at 8:00 and by 16:00 he made a trip towards the NE to the Warta River and then turned back towards the SW and landed at some small ponds near the village of Bledzew. Stefan was with Darek at least until 10 o'clock, but he did not connect and more is still unknown. Everything seems fine though.

- FB info (23.07): It turns out that two very young (about 73-74 days) black storks from the Bolewice Forestry started their hike and for the first two days they are staying together. After being flown from the nest 18.07 by people, each of them flew elsewhere: Stefan 1.5km on the SW, Darek as far as 3.0km on the SW. Rather lonely they wandered around the surrounding forests and learned how to get food on the wetlands and numerous streams at Obszarze Natura2000 Jeziora Pszczewskiei Dolina Obry.
They met rather by accident only after three days 21.07 at the fishing ponds near Trzciel, over 7 km from the nest! Then they turned together on the N and at 12:00 they got into a chimney with warm air over a large field, gained heights (1140 m above sea level - irrespective of h) and flew 35 km west with one long slide. They also spent the second day together and did reconnaissance on the N towards Warta, to return again to the S by Obra. I am sure their paths will cross soon. For now, however, the siblings have spent the night together and are gaining new experiences without parental care.

- 23.07 midday: Darek and Stefan left overnight place at 3:00 a.m. They foraged on small shallow ponds for 2.5 h and from 6:45 WENT further NW. At 10:00 they crossed the Warta River near Gorzow Wlkp.
- 23.07 evening: stork Darek is already 10 km from Szczecin after the former Polish-German border crossing in Kołbaskowo. He spends the night in Poland, 400m from the border
- 24.07 morning: 1/ Stefan and Darek's paths diverged yesterday. Darek near Szczecin, Stefan has changed direction to the SE and is in the vicinity of Nietoperk and later: 2/ Since yesterday morning, July 23, the siblings' paths have parted. Darek reached the former border crossing in Kołbaskowo, Stefan stayed in the vicinity of Bledzew
- 24.07 evening: Darek - unknown today's location so far.
- 26.07 midday: Darek - we haven't contact.
- 01.08: "We were also looking for Darek near the Polish-German border. There's no trace, but stork probably died on the power line, because that's where the trail ends." (D.A.)

Birds can be electrocuted if they come into contact with two energized parts of a power line at once - which can happen when they spread their wings to take off from or land on a power pole.

New study: How to stop birds from getting electrocuted by and colliding with power lines across the EU ... ss-the-eu/

Electrocutions & Collisions of Birds in EU Countries: The Negative Impact & Best Practices for Mitigation ... s-NABU.pdf

Quick Guidance Preventing Electrocution on Birds ... -on-birds/

VIDEO Dr. Chrstian Sasse: Bird electrocution by power lines with Rick Harness (Streamed live on 17 Aug 2022)
Raptors and other wildlife are electrocuted by power lines more often than one might think. Following media coverage of the death of the fledgling Junior (link below), we discuss the problem of accidental wildlife electrocution with Rick Harness, a wildlife biologist who has worked extensively on the problem of avian electrocution.
pinki flyd
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by pinki flyd »

I mourn this loss very much, :(
fly high little ones
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

lonely young black storks (hatched 2023) and migration
(in comments to this post ... 502248598/)

Iwona Frąckiewicz
Nadal sam?😒 Czy jest w stanie rozpocząć migrację samodzielnie, bez innych bocianów "przewodników"?
Połowa IX to jeszcze nie jest aż tak bardzo późno, jest duże prawdopodobieństwo że tak 🙂

Still on its own?😒 Is it able to start the migration on its own, without other stork 'guides'?
Mid IX isn't that far off yet, there's a good chance it will be 🙂

Fede Weders
Ciekawe kiedy wyruszy w podróż na zimowisko 😊🤔
Oto jest pytanie! Gdyby miał towarzystwo innych bocianów, to byłby już gdzieś na Węgrzech lub w Rumunii. Czekamy na jego decyzję 🙂

I wonder when he'll be off on his wintering journey 😊🤔
That is the question! If he had the company of other storks, he would already be somewhere in Hungary or Romania. We are waiting for his decision 🙂
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Information and photo sent to me via FB messenger Mr. Fikret Can :D (our forum and FB group member)
Thank you dear Fikret for all very, very much! - Her şey için çok ama çok teşekkür ederim sevgili Fikret!

Kara leyleklerin göçünü takip etmen ve araştırman harika bir haber,çok değerli bir çalışma.
Biliyorsun ben de,ekip arkadaşlarımın desteği ile leylekler (Ciconia Ciconia) hakkında gözlem,göç sayımı ve araştırma yapıyorum.Bu çalışmalar sırasında ne yazık ki,kardeş tür kara leyleklere (Ciconia nigra) yeterince zaman ayıramadım.
Senin çabalarını görünce ve bundan sonra,İstanbul rotasını kullanan kara leylekleri de,aynı özenle gündeme almaya,izlemeye karar verdim.
Gözlemlerime dayanarak şunu söyleyebilirim:
Göç mevsimlerinde leylekler ve kara leylekler İstanbul’da aynı rotayı kullanırlar.
Göç takvimleri biraz farklıdır.Örneğin sonbahar göçünde leylekler yoğun olarak ağustos ayında,kara leylekler ise eylül ayında geçerler.
İstanbul rotasını kullanan her iki türün nüfus oranı da çok farklı.Leylekler 30 000-50 000+ gibi kalabalık sürüler halinde geçerken,kara leylekler genellikle
50-60 bireylik gruplar halinde geçiyorlar.Bugüne kada gördüğüm en kalabalık kara leylek grubu 120 kadardır.
Sana başarılar diliyorum.
İyi günler.


GT with some corrections
It is great news that you are following and researching the migration of black storks, it is a very valuable work.
As you know, with the support of my teammates, I am making observations, migration counts and research on storks (Ciconia Ciconia). Unfortunately, during these studies, I could not spare enough time for their sister species, the black stork (Ciconia nigra).
When I saw your efforts and from now on, I decided to include and monitor the black storks using the Istanbul route with the same care.

Based on my observations, I can say this:
During migration seasons, storks and black storks use the same route in Istanbul.
Migration calendars are slightly different. For example, in the autumn migration, white storks migrate intensively in August, while black storks migrate in September.
The population ratio of both species using the Istanbul route is very different. While storks pass in crowded flocks of 30 000-50 000+, black storks usually pass in groups of 50-60 individuals. The largest black stork group I have ever seen is around 120.
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Storks hatched in POLAND
(almost all ringed and equipped with a transmitter in the year of hatching - "on the nest")

FB news BocianiMy ... CuYeSBA1ml

GDZIE zimują polskie bociany czarne?
Po raz pierwszy przedstawiamy podsumowanie miejsc zimowania polskich bocianów czarnych na bardzo dużej próbie, bo aż 50 osobników, które dotarły na zimowiska w latach 2017-2023. Niestety, tylko co drugi bocian z ponad stu wyposażonych w loggery GPS-GSM dotarł na zimowisko, reszta prawdopodobnie zginęła po drodze z różnych powodów. 79% bocianów zimowało w Afryce między 4 a 16 równoleżnikiem, jednak głównie w strefie #sahelu. 21% ptaków wybrało na zimowy postój #Azję Mniejszą i południową #Europę. Ponad połowa bocianów leciała szlakiem wschodnim i zimowała w #Afryce wschodniej, najwięcej w #Etiopii (N=15) i #Sudanie (N=7). W Afryce Zachodniej najczęściej wybierane przez ptaki kraje to #Senegal i #Mauretania. Tylko jeden raz zdarzyło się, że polski bocian czarny w grudniu 2022 roku zimował PONIŻ EJ RÓWNIKA w okolicach #JezioraWiktoria w Tanzanii. Był to rzeczywiście wyjątkowy osobnik z #NadleśnictwaStrzałowo z 2021 roku, który swoją pierwszą zimę najpierw spędził w Sudanie. Na lato 2022 r. wrócił najpierw do Ukrainy, a w czerwcu do środkowej Polski. Jesienią pokonał ponad 9 tysięcy kilometrów, aby dolecieć poza równik! W kontekście zmian klimatycznych bardzo ciekawe są przypadki zimowania ptaków na południu Europy. Trzy przypadki zimowisk we #Włoszech dotyczą jednak bardziej osobników, które albo nie miały dość siły (i odwagi), żeby lecieć szlakiem południowym przez otwarte morze, albo wędrowały zbyt późno (Grzegorz). Polskie bociany czarne docierają na zimowiska w październiku i listopadzie, opuszczają je w kwietniu i maju. Wyjątek stanowią tu ptaki zimujące w Europie, które rozpoczynały migrację wiosenną wyraźnie wcześniej, bo już w marcu (Skierka i Kuba). Ulubione miejsca na zimowiskach to szerokie doliny rzeczne, rowy i kanały oraz tworzące się okresowo rozlewiska. Większość osobników powracała w kolejnych latach do raz obranych miejsc zimowania. Niektóre jednak w trakcie robiły dalekie przemieszczenia w poszukiwaniu bardziej atrakcyjnych miejsc. Rekordzista w #Nigerii przemieścił się podczas zimy prawie 800 km na SW prawdopodobnie uciekając w grudniu przed #harmattanem, silnym i suchym północno-wschodnim wiatrem wiejącym z nad #Sahary w kierunku #ZatokiGwinejskiej.

WHERE do Polish black storks winter? (GT with only little corrections yet)

For the first time, we present a summary of the wintering places of Polish black storks on a very large sample, as many as 50 individuals that reached the wintering grounds in 2017-2023. Unfortunately, only every second stork out of over a hundred equipped with GPS-GSM loggers reached the wintering site, the rest probably died along the way for various reasons.

79% of storks wintered in Africa between the 4th and 16th parallel, but mainly in the Sahel zone. 21% of birds chose Asia Minor and southern Europe for their winter stopover. More than half of the storks flew along the eastern route and wintered in east Africa, most of them in Ethiopia (N=15) and Sudan (N=7). In West Africa, the countries most frequently chosen by birds are Senegal and Mauritania. Only once did a Polish black stork overwinter BELOW THE EQUATOR in December 2022, near Lake Victoria in Tanzania. It was indeed a unique individual from the Strzałowo Forest District in 2021, which first spent its first winter in Sudan. In the summer of 2022, he returned first to Ukraine, and in June to central Poland. In autumn, he travelled over 9,000 kilometres to reach beyond the equator! In the context of climate change, the cases of birds wintering in southern Europe are very interesting. However, the three cases of wintering in Italy concern individuals who either did not have enough strength (and courage) to fly along the southern route across the open sea, or migrated too late (Grzegorz).

Polish black storks reach their wintering grounds in October and November and leave them in April and May. The exception here are birds wintering in Europe, which started their spring migration much earlier, already in March (Skierka and Kuba - marika: both females, Kuba perished).

Favourite wintering places are wide river valleys, ditches and channels, as well as periodically formed pools. Most individuals returned to their chosen wintering places in subsequent years. However, some of them moved long distances in search of more attractive places. The record holder in Nigeria moved almost 800 km SW during the winter, probably escaping the harmattan in December, a strong and dry north-eastern wind blowing from the Sahara towards the Gulf of Guinea.
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