Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Kurepoegade sünnipäev - Storklets' birthday
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 02.07.2022 - 12.02

text under photo: Nelik - Four

Karula pesapojad saavad viie nädala vanusteks, aga kasupoeg Jõgevamaa pesast on nädala jagu vanem. Samas kasulaps ja Karula pesa suurim kaaluvad mõlemad veidi üle kahe ja poole kilo. Pisemad veidi üle kahe kilo ja see paistab veebikaamera jälgijatele täiesti märgatavana.
Kasulaps Boonus hakkab pisitasa üle võtma pesaelanike kombeid ja tavasid. Vana- ja noorlindude suhtumine paistab omaksvõtvana. Loodame kohanemisel ja edaspidisel parimat.
Teine Jõgevamaa pesa kasulaps viidi samas maakonnas paiknevasse pesasse kelle isaslindu kutsutakse Eediks ja selle kurepaari pesas kasvab samuti kolm poega. Pesa kõrvale paigutati rajakaamera ja selle pildid kõnelevad, et kasulaps on samuti kohanenud pesaeluga nagu Boonus.
Kotkaklubi liikmed on mõlema pesa vanalindude toitumisojadele paigaldanud kalasumbad mida täidetakse mõnepäevaste vahedega, et suuri neljaliikmelisi noorlindude pesakondi oleks vanalindudel veidi kergem toita.
Kolmanda Jõgevamaa kurepojaga juhtus kliiniku välipesas õnnetus kus ta oli tehispesast öösel välja kukkunud ja hukkunud. Hea, et kaks pesapoega on leidnud omale uue vanemad ja mõlemad kolm seltsilist kellega koos kasvada.
Täname LK foorumi liikmeid, kes on toimunut päevikuna kajastanud, kuvatõmmiste ja videoklippidega varustanud. Must-toonekurgi uurivatele ornitoloogidele on selline materjal asendamatu. Tänud.

Karula's nestlings reach the age of five weeks, but the step-chick from Jõgevamaa's nest is a week older. At the same time, the foster chick and the largest of the Karula's nest both weigh a little over two and a half kilos. Smaller, just over two kilos, and it looks completely noticeable to the webcam watchers.
The foster chick Bonus begins to take over the customs and practices of the nest inhabitants little by little. The attitude of old and young birds seems to be accepting. We hope for the best in the adjustment and in the future.
Another foster chick of Jõgevamaa's nest was taken to a nest located in the same county, whose male bird is called Eedi, and this stork pair also has three chicks in its nest. A trail camera was placed next to the nest and its pictures show that the foster chick has also adapted to life in the nest like Bonus.
The members of Kotkaklubi have installed fish troughs in the feeding streams of the old birds of both nests, which are filled at intervals of a few days, so that it would be a little easier for the old birds to feed the large litters of four young birds.
The third Jõgevamaa stork chick had an accident in the outdoor nest of the clinic, where it had fallen out of the artificial nest at night and died. It's good that the two nestlings have found new parents and both have three friends to grow up with.
We would like to thank the members of the LK forum, who have covered what happened as a diary, provided screenshots and video clips. For ornithologists studying the black stork, such material is indispensable. Thanks.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Boonus 2 uues kasuperes - Bonus 2 in a new foster family
Postitas Looduskalender - K, 06.07.2022 - 12.12
Autorid Rajakaamera pilt pesapuult ja toitmiskohalt Urmas Sellis (Authors Track camera image from the nest tree and at the feeding place by Urmas Sellis))

text under photo: Must-toonekure pesapojad ja kasulaps Bonus 2 (Black stork nestlings and foster child Bonus 2)

Need rajakaamera pildid on rõngastatud isaslind Eedi pesast kuhu nädala ees samuti kliinikust kasupoeg toimetati. Kutsume noorlindu sümboolselt Boonus 2 ja lisaks kolm pesapoega.
Paistab, et kasupere on linnu omaks võtnud. Pesa naaberpuul asetsev rajakaameta teeb oma ülesvõtted iga kümne minuti möödudes ja nii on vanalindude poegade toitmise ülesvõtteid saada puhas juhus.

These track camera pictures are ringed male bird Eedi's nest, where the foster son was taken from the clinic a week ago. We call the young bird symbolically Bonus 2 and additionally three nestlings.
It seems that the foster family has adopted the birds. The trail camera located on the neighboring tree of the nest takes its pictures every ten minutes, and so it is a pure chance to get the pictures of the young birds feeding.

text under photo: Emaslind Eedi kala sumbas, mis on paigaldatud vaid poolteist kilomeetri kaugusele pesast (The female bird Eedi in fish tank, which is installed only one and a half kilometres away from the nest)
(Marika: Eedi is male black stork)

Pöördume veebikaamerate vaatajate poole palvega võimalusel toetada Jõgevamaa pesal orvuks jäänud must-toonekurgede ellu jäänud pesapoegade ja nende kasuperede hooldamiseks.
Loe kuidas toimub must-toonekurgede lisasöötmine sest vanalindude pesades on üks nokk lisaks: LINK
LK foorumi poolt ülesse pandud toetuskeskond on turvaline ja selle leiate aadressilt: LINK

We are asking the viewers of the webcams to support the surviving nestlings of the orphaned black storks on the Jõgevamaa nest and their foster families.
Read how the additional feeding of black storks takes place because the nests of old birds have an extra beak: LINK viewtopic.php?p=5859#p5859
The support environment set up by the LK forum is secure and can be found at: LINK
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Posts: 12358
Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38

Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Boonus 2 uues kasuperes - Bonus 2 in a new foster family
Postitas Looduskalender - N, 14.07.2022 - 20.20
Autorid Rajakaamera video Kotkaklubi

text under pic: Eedi nelja kurepoega toitmas (Eedi feeding his four stork chicks)

Rajakaamera videoklipp raadiosaatjaga varustatud isaslind Eedi pesast kuhu toodi kliinikust kasulapseks Boonus 2. Kahe nädalaga on kolm pesapoega kasuvennaga kohanenud.

Eedi pesa läheduses toitmisojas näeme kalasumpa, et isaslind saaks kurepojad lennuvõimelisteks kasvatada.

Track camera video clip from Eedi's nest of te male bird equipped with transmitter where JJ chick was brought from the clinic as a foster child Bonus 2. In two weeks, the three nestlings have adapted to their foster sibling.

In the feeding trough near the Eedi's nest, we see a fish tank so that the male bird can raise the stork chicks to be able to fly.

photo: already in previous post (the fish basket)
text under pic: Isaslind Eedi kalasumbas, mis on paigaldatud vaid poolteist kilomeetri kaugusele pesast (A male bird Eedi in fish tank, which is installed only one and a half kilometres from the nest)
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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