Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Text and photos from Urmas

to photo with Karl II:
This morning 5.54.16 Karl II was at the fish basket. 7.10 he appeared at the nest.

15.27 to 15.32 another stork was at the fish basket. Second fish basket near Karl's nest does not have pictures sending trail camera (yet). But it has been twice emptied in last days.

(source: https://www.looduskalender.ee/forum/vie ... 87#p868431


This morning, also Eedi uses fish basket. But it is difficult to bind it to fixed delivery to the nest.

to photo with storklets:
But 5.11 there was probably feeding of chicks.

(source: https://www.looduskalender.ee/forum/vie ... 32#p868432)
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

1 chick is only sitting and 3 are in defending mode and so Liz wrote:

(https://www.looduskalender.ee/forum/vie ... 28#p868528)

only DNA test can say the sex of nestlings
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: kas kalasumpadest on poegade toitmisel abi? VIDEO: Are fish balls helpful in feeding young?
Postitas Looduskalender - P, 10.07.2022 - 10.10
Rajakaamera video Urmas Sellis, Kotkaklubi

Karula must-toonekurgede pesa ümbruskonda on paigaldatud kaks kalasumpa lisasöötmise tarvis, et vanalinnud jaksaksid neli kurepoega lennu- ja rändevõimelisteks kasvatada. Vanalinnud ei tohi ka endid unustada sest neilgi seisab ees pikk ränne, mida emaslind varemalt alustab, aga sinna on veel aega.
Viimase nädala aegu oleme näinud, et kumbki vanalind toidab poegi kolmel korral päevas ja tänu sumbale on toidukogused mida pesale tuuakse suuremad. Kui veel mõne nädala eest oli saatjaga varustatud isaslinnu päevane lennuteekond kuni 150 kilomeetrit, siis sumpadest saab toidu kergemini kätte ja päeva lennuulatus on kahanenud umbes poolele varasemast.

Emaslind Kaia sumbal

Pesast kaugemal asuva sumbani on kümme kilomeetrit, aga see jääb Kaia ja Karli toitumisalale. Sumpasid täidetakse ülepäeviti, aga sellest oleme juba varemalt kirjutanud.

In the vicinity of the Karula black storks' nest, two fish tanks have been installed for additional feeding, so that the old birds can raise their four chicks to be able to fly and migrate. Old birds must not be forgotten either, because they too have a long migration ahead of them, which the female bird starts earlier, but there is still time.
During the last week, we have seen that each old bird feeds the chicks three times a day, and thanks to the fish-basket, the amount of food brought to the nest is larger. If just a few weeks ago, the daily flight distance of a male bird equipped with a transmitter was up to 150 kilometres, now it is easier to get food from nests and the daily flight range has shrunk to about half of what it was before.

It is ten kilometres to the fish-basket, which is further from the nest, but it is in Kaia and Karl's feeding area. Baskets are filled every other day, but we have already written about this before.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: Pesapojad saavad seitsmenädalasteks VIDEO: Nestlings reach seven weeks of age?
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 16.07.2022 - 09.09

Kolm pesapoega on erinevate vanustega, aga kasulaps Boonus pea nädala jagu vanem, saades täna 55 päeva vanuseks. Pesast lahkuvad noorlinnud kuni nädal peale kahe kuu vanuseks saamist. Kuidas kujuneb olukord Karula pesas saame näha.
Kaks vanemat kurepoega, kes Karula pesas koorusid, saavad täna seitsme nädala vanusteks ja pisem on vanematest veel kolm päeva noorem ehk 46 päeva vanune.

The three nestlings are of different ages, but the foster child Boonus is almost a week older, turning 55 days old today. Young birds leave the nest up to a week after reaching the age of two months. We can see how the situation in Karula's nest develops.
The two older stork chicks that hatched in Karula's nest are seven weeks old today, and the youngest one is still three days younger than the siblings, i.e. 46 days old.

photo (Karl II in the fish basket early morning)

Vähem kui veerand tunni möödudes ehk kell 4.57 jõudis isaslind pesale poegi söötma.
Less than a quarter of an hour later, i.e. at 4:57, the male bird arrived at the nest to feed the chicks.

photo (Kaia - first feeding)

Tema tõi väiksemaid kalu, millest võime järeldada, et need ei olnud nn sumba kalad, vaid ojast püütud.
He brought smaller fish, from which we can conclude that they were not so-called sumba fish (Marika: from the fish basket), but caught from the stream.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

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Kes said raadiosaatjad? Who got transmitters??
Postitas Looduskalender - T, 19.07.2022 - 15.15

Boonus on pildi vaskaul ja teine saatjaga noorlind on rõngaga 718W pildil paremal. Raadiosaatjad tellis Kotkaklubi hästi väikesed, mis noorlindudele sobivad.
Võrdleme saatjad saanud suuremaid kurepoegi ja nende arengut sellest ajast, kui kasulaps Boonus pesasse toodi:
Boonus on vanemast pesapojast kuus päeva vanem ja kaalus 30. juunil 2,49kg kui suurim pesapoeg kaalus sada grammi vähem ehk 2,39kg.
Eile st 18. juulil olid kaalumise tulemused järgmised:
Boonus kaalus 2,53kg ehk selle ajaga oli noorlinnul lisandunud kaalu ainult 40 grammi.
Pesa suurim, kes kannab nüüdseks numbrit 718W kaalus 30. juunil 2,39kg ja eile juba 2,71kg. Tema juurdekasvuks on seega 320 grammi.
Nähtavalt pisema kurepoja, kes koorus teistest kolm päeva hiljem 31.mail, kaalud olid samal ajavahemikul 1,8kg ja eile 2,05kg. Seega oli tema juurdekasvuks 250. grammi.

Let's compare the bigger stork chicks that have received companions and their development since foster child Bonus was brought to the nest:
Bonus is six days older than the older chick and weighed 2.49 kg on June 30, while the largest chick weighed one hundred grams less, or 2.39 kg.
Yesterday, i.e. July 18, the results of the weighing were as follows:
Bonus weighed 2.53 kg, that is, the young bird had gained only 40 grams during this time.
The largest of the clutch, which now bears the number 718W, weighed 2.39kg on June 30 and already 2.71kg yesterday. His growth is therefore 320 grams.
The apparently smallest storklet, which hatched three days later than the others on May 31, weighed 1.8 kg in the same period and 2.05 kg yesterday. So his growth was 250 grams.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

marika.solo wrote: 19 Jul 2022, 21:11
Bonus's weight written here is still with the bag weight included. In reality, Bonus weighs less. He might have lost weight actually :?

I think when he arrived from the clinic, the shock of adaption affected him a lot. First of all, stress with change of environment plus an unpleasant contact with humans. And he had to start to really work and compete for food (which is divided between 3 other hungry mouths!). So my guess is, that at the beginning he lost more weight. Now, hopefully, Bonus will recover from this.
If we didn't know the numbers, we wouldn't know if something is even wrong or not. From the outside, Bonus is active and looks healthy in every way.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 19 Jul 2022, 21:31
thank you for your thoughts.
As you know, I was "offline" for 2 weeks and busy with my grandchildren for the next 2 weeks. That's why I can't assess the situation like you or Adriána or others.

What I noticed these days:
1/ Bonus seems to be on the side for quite a long time and it comes into the circle (pushes through the siblings) at the last moment (and before that PS - stress?)
2/ storklet is always more focused on the bottom of the nest than on the bill of the parent who comes to feed

Stork's current weight can be in relation "only" to the stress associated with relocation, adaptation to new conditions (and no to other problems).
Bonus had only 1 leeches and other behaviour is O.K. as you wrote too - preening, wing flapping, jumping - high!, ...)

In my opinion not only the weight, but also the feather exchange has slowed down in the Bonus compared to the K1, or do you see it differently?
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

marika.solo wrote: 20 Jul 2022, 07:54
Thank you for the comments.

Feather growth- I noticed some time ago that K1 grew dark neck feathers much faster than Bonus. Other changes are not so noticeable for my eyes.

Too bad that none of us are black stork psychologists and therapeuts :) But Bonus couldn't talk to us anyway..

By the way, Bonus is already 60 days old tomorrow. Fledging time is not so far away anymore. I've been thinking about this and remembered some sentences:
1. The age depends on the abundance of food in previous stages of development. ( I think it was said by Urmas? I'm sure you know where to find the correct sentence)
2. "the worse they are fed, the earlier they will start to fly" ( P.Z's comment some days ago)

So have I understood the " previous stages of development" all wrong? I always thought that the more food they have, the better is the development and the sooner they are ready to leave the nest. But as it turns out, they don't want to sit hungryly in the nest and the less food they get, it makes them leave sooner :roll:
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 20 Jul 2022, 08:16... Fledging time is not so far away anymore. ...
yes, it was Urmas
you can read it and more in my post in LK previous season https://www.looduskalender.ee/forum/vie ... 84#p817884

data for Estonia: "Chicks will be able to fly at the age of 68-72 days, for another 2-4 weeks after being able to fly they will go to the nest at night or rest at the nest." (source in above mentioned post)

Karula nest: 2016 (Kulla, Kalli) - 63 day (maiden flight) and 2017 (Usin) - 76 day

edit: the others storklet fledged within these days, average seems to be 68 - 69 day
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 20 Jul 2022, 08:16 So have I understood the " previous stages of development" all wrong? I always thought that the more food they have, the better is the development and the sooner they are ready to leave the nest. But as it turns out, they don't want to sit hungryly in the nest and the less food they get, it makes them leave sooner :roll:
the goal is not for them to leave sooner - it also applies here: not too early and not too late, everything has its right time

and remember, that two domestic factors might have a significant impact on their migratory success - body weight and longevity of stay in nest
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