Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

marika.solo wrote: 20 Jul 2022, 12:01 the goal is not for them to leave sooner
Yes, I see everything clear now :) Hunger is a big motivator to leave the nest, but it doesn't help much with honing new skills. Flying is very energy costly, especially when there are no reserves. And as we know, juveniles have to learn and manage on their own. Parents don't teach them how to fish. They still depend greatly on the parents.

I hope that Bonus is not in a hurry yet.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

without corrections


Kaks kurepoega said omale öösel saatjad Two stork chicks got their own transmitter at night?
Postitas Looduskalender - T, 19.07.2022 - 01.01
(I missed this post)


Tuletame meelde, et kolm pesapoega on erinevate vanustega ja kasulaps Boonus pea nädala jagu vanem.
Must-toonekurgede pojad on päris suured ja nendega tuleb maru rahulikult ning asjatundlikult toimetada, et keegi neljast pesast välja ei hüppaks, millega Urmas Sellis kenasti toime tuli.
Pesapuu all kinnitas kahele kurepojale saatjaid dr. Madis Leivits koos abilisega.
Ettevõtmine sai alguse esmaspäeva õhtul kell 11 ja Urmas lahkus pesalt teisipäeval 00.30. Niisiis tegutseti asjalikult poolteist tundi.
Raadiosaatjad, mida noorlinnud kanda suudavad, said Boonus ja pesa suurim poeg. Kõik noorlinnud mõõdeti, kaaluti ja saatjatega varustatutele tegi Madis kaanitõrjet ja Urmas puhastas pisematel nokad.
Pesa suurim poeg kannab nüüd saatjat, sai omale jalanumbri 718W ja kaalus 2,7 kg hoolimata sellest, et ta on Boonusest noorem.
Boonuse kaaluks oli 2,36 kg.
Pisemad pesapojad kannavad numbreid 718V ja 718X ning kaalusid vastavalt 2,31 kg ja 2,05 kg. ...

We remind you that the three nestlings are of different ages and the foster child Bonus is almost a week older.
Black stork chicks are quite large and you have to handle them calmly and expertly so that no one of four jumps out of the nests, which Urmas Sellis managed nicely.
Under the nest tree, Dr. Madis Leivits with an assistant.
The venture started at 11 o'clock on Monday evening, and Urmas left the nest at 00:30 on Tuesday. So we acted business-like for an hour and a half.
The transmitters that the young birds can carry got Bonus and the biggest Karula chick in the nest. All the young birds were measured and weighed, and for those equipped with transmitters, Madis did leech control and Urmas cleaned the bills of the smaller ones.
The biggest son in the clutch now wears a tracker, got his leg number 718W and weighed 2.7 kg despite being younger than Bonus.
The weight of the Bonus was 2.36 kg.
The smallest nestlings are numbered 718V and 718X and weighed 2.31 kg and 2.05 kg respectively.

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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 23 Jul 2022, 17:49 ... Ps. New article in Looduskalender: https://www.looduskalender.ee/n/node/6885"Female Kaia brings food to the nestlings usually two times, often searching amphibians from nearby meadows near the stream. It's hard to see between the chicks flapping with big wings, what the parents feed them with."

without corrections

Kaks kurepoega said omale öösel saatjad Two stork chicks got their own transmitter at night?
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 23.07.2022 - 09.09


Alustame kasulaps Boonusest, kes on tänaseks juba üle kahe kuu vanune, täpsemalt 62 päevane. Boonus ja pesapoegadest suurim (jalarõngaga 718W) said omale esmaspäeva öösel vastu teisipäeva raadiosaatjad: LINK
Tavapärase pesaelu juures, kus kõik on enam vähem sarnase arenguga, alustavad noorlinnud pesast välja lendama umbes nädala möödudes, kui ollakse saanud kahe kuu vanusteks. Karula pesas on kasupoja ja noorema ning pisema pesapoja vanuste vahe üheksa päeva.
Kaks vanemat kurepoega koorusid samal päeval. Nemad said täna kaheksa nädala vanusteks, pisem on nimetatud kurepoegadest veel kolm päeva noorem ehk 53 päeva vanune.
Poegade toitmist abistavad kalasumbad, mida isaslind Karl hästi kasutab ja toidab poegi kolmel korral päevas. Emaslind Kaia toob pesasse poegadele toitu tavalisemalt kahel korral olles sageli otsinud ojalähedastelt heinamaadelt või niitudelt kahepaikseid. Raske on suurte tiibadega vehkivate kurepoegade vahelt näha millega vanalinnud neid toidavad.
Kurepoegade sulgimine hakkab tasapisi otsakorrale jõudma ja sel nädalal on öösiti vanalinnule kohaselt püsti magatud, aga veel mitte kogu öö.

Let's start with the foster child Bonus, who is already over two months old today, 62 days to be exact. Bonus and the largest of the nestlings (718W with a leg ring) received Tuesday's a transmitters on Monday night: LINK
In normal nest life, where everyone has a more or less similar development, the young birds start to fly out of the nest after about a week, when they have reached the age of two months. In the Karula's nest, the age difference between the stepchick and the younger and smallest nestling is nine days.
Two older stork chicks hatched on the same day. They turned eight weeks old today, the smallest one is three days younger than the siblingss, i.e. 53 days old.
Feeding the chicks is aided by fish balls, which the male bird Karl uses well and feeds the chicks three times a day. The female Kaia brings food to the nest for the young more than twice, often after looking for amphibians in the meadows or meadows near the stream. It is difficult to see what the old birds are feeding them with among the stork chicks flapping their big wings.
The nesting of the stork chicks is gradually coming to an end, and this week the old bird has been sleeping up at night, but not all night yet.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

Posted by Looduskalender - 31.07.2022 - 11.11

VIDEOD: must-toonekure pesast
Kasupoeg Boonus sai täna kümne nädala vanuseks. Kaks vanemad pesapoega on nädala jagu nooremad.

Tänu kalasumpadele on isaslind Karl noorlinde hästi toitnud ja ega täis kõhu ja teenindusega naljalt lendu minna nagu ei tahaks. Varasematel aastatel meelitasid vanalinnud noored lendama toidu vähendamisega, kui me asjadest õigesti aru oleme saanud.

Kurepojad on märganud isaslindu ja annavad kerjamisega märku, kui näljased nad on.

VIDEOS of the black stork nest. (translation edited by Madli)
(Videos are included in the link)

Stepson Boonus turned ten weeks old today. The two older nestlings are a week younger.

Thanks to the fish baskets, the male bird Karl has fed the young birds well and with such service and full stomach they don't want to fly out so easily. In earlier years, old birds enticed the young to fly by reducing food, if we have understood things correctly.

The storklets have spotted the male bird and signal how hungry they are by begging.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 31 Jul 2022, 18:16
thx Madli :-)
new post also on 30.07.2022 - to me nothing new, nothing interesting https://www.looduskalender.ee/n/node/6904

I'm adding the link just for the sake of order, so that we have here all the news about the nest in Karula (to me nothing new, nothing interesting in this post)
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 31 Jul 2022, 18:16... Thanks to the fish baskets, the male bird Karl has fed the young birds well and with such service and full stomach they don't want to fly out so easily. In earlier years, old birds enticed the young to fly by reducing food, if we have understood things correctly. ...
to reducing food

prof. PZ (viewtopic.php?p=6463#p6463)

"żeby stwierdzić, że robią to celowo, to by trzeba zrobić eksperyment, który tego dowodzi. A tego nikt nie zrobił, czyli nie można tak powiedzieć, ale z obserwacji wynika, że pod koniec są karmione rzadziej (z różnych powodów) i zbiega się to z wylotem podlotów z gniazda"

To say that they are doing it on purpose, you would have to do an experiment that proves it. And nobody did that, so you can't say that, but from observation it follows that at the end they are fed less often (for various reasons) and this coincides with the departure of the fledglings from the nest.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »


Kotkaklubi wrote in YT chat about transmitters:

- Transmitters of these two (Waba and Bonus) are new devices, bought from donations observers made.
- We returned to the less comfortable back packs, they are less comfortable to install on a bird, but probably not difference for tracked birds.
- Leg mount transmitters appeared to be not good in closed areas, like dense forest and with lower capacity to charge batteries. GPS receiver is there smaller and less sensitive for GPS signals.
- Old transmitters we kept for Eedi's chicks, but...if these appeared free (madli: when they became available), it was too late for X and V. So one older device we used on Kaia.
- Also recovered leg transmitter of last year's Tuul is installed on juvenile in western Estonia. There are chicks in nest, yet. But not so good fed as here.

Q: olala77777: Kotkaklubi thank you for answering! Can I as a question that is of great interest to all those watching in the chat. When are the results of the sex tests expected for the storks in this nest?

A: Currently, during field season, it is not real to work with DNA in lab. Actually, we have samples of last few years in storage, waiting for possibilities.

- Leg transmitters work quite well in open landscapes, like on White Storks, but not that good in closed landscapes, like BS used to habit.

Q: LiuSi: Please give us information how far from nest chicks fly? Where do they sleep at night? since transmitters are working already.

A: We installed transmitters to take only few locations per day in surrounding of nest. There is not much direct sun shine and so avoid emtying of batteries. We need to have good batteries during start of migration. Also, normal deviation of GPSlocation does not allow to see short distances moved from nest. No further locations noticed, yet.
And we get data once per day, sometimes no transmission ( there is quite low GSM network around the nest), like it happens also for Karl II.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 23 Aug 2022, 20:14
thank you Madli :-)
(not good infos about the chick named Madissaare = juvenile stork in western Estonian nest with the transmitter in LKF :-( )
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

marika.solo wrote: 23 Aug 2022, 21:47
Madli wrote: 23 Aug 2022, 20:14
(not good infos about the chick named Madissaare = juvenile stork in western Estonian nest with the transmitter in LKF :-( )
This name should be already familiar to us ;)

But it makes me wonder, is their body condition really in such a bad shape..and has the father stork already left them too :roll:
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 23 Aug 2022, 22:25This name should be already familiar to us ;)
yes ;-) (your informations about some Estonian BS shared with me :D )
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