Ringed black storks observation

information on sightings of ringed black storks
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Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »


FB European colour-ring Birding (cr-birding) https://www.facebook.com/groups/cr.bird ... 280714215/

"Kerim Çiçek
Dear all,
I photographed a black stork in Reyhanli, Hatay, Turkey on 2 November 2022. When I arranged my shots noticed the individuals are marked (I think 18H3). Do you know someone where it comes from? Best greets"


Reynhali: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reyhanl%C4%B1 (The town lies on the main road between İskenderun and Aleppo in Syria.)

Mr. Darius Anderwal answered to me:
It is a bird hatched in 2021, ringed by Krzysiek Dudzik (we are waiting for the final verification by Polring)
stork was also seen in Romania in 2021

it is 502 day from ringing and the distance is 2030 km from the nest 🙂

fingers crossed for next successful wintering and long life!
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »


FB Tuvia Kahn
https://www.facebook.com/tuvia.khan/pos ... 3KTBs1e6sl
18.01.2023, update 19.01.2023

On Thursday, January 12, I went out with Niv Bessor to bird in Harod Valley. In the field near Kibbutz Beit Hashita. We located this young Black Stork wearing a 718R ring.
We gave the information to Yosef Kiat from the Israeli ringing center.
Today we got the answer.
The Stork ringed in the nest as a chick in July 2022. Thanks to Yosef for the quick reply.

Species: Ciconia nigra - Black Stork
Age: nestling
Date: 11.7.2022
Country/region: Estonia
Place: Võru maakond, Rõuge vald, Kellämäe küla

Ringer: Urmas Sellis, Margit ja Liine Päkk
Color ring: L:W 718R


(btw. it is not the flight path - the line is only connecting the previous and the new localisation of this bird)

thx to our Madli and Daniela for sharing this news in our FB group :D
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by Madli »


718R- hatched 2022 in southern Estonia, brood of 3.

There was an exchange of male parent in this nest. After some fights, new male ( ring 0C9T - Latvian ring) arrived at the nest. So this is an estonian- latvian mixed couple, which is not a common sight.
0C9T- hatched 2016, Zvēri, Latvia.

Origin of 0C9T and the birth nest of 718R.
The nest is situated at the EE-LV border.

718R in the nest. Photo Urmas Sellis.

Trail camera photo. Female and male 0C9T
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »


the area of the ponds near Beit HaShita
dron (?) view https://goo.gl/maps/QW9Q2pTRdTv8nNYa6 image capture Mar 2018 by david Abuhatzeira

draining of fish ponds in Beit HaShita (good time for black storks)
PHOTO image capture Dec 2017 by yair maymon
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »

ESTONIA - Israel

FB news about BS from Estonia who is wintering in Israel by Avichai Ran
https://www.facebook.com/avichai.ran/po ... hwAoC2kWRl

A black stork with white coulour ring nr 7102 hatched in Estonia in 2013, and migrates every year a distance of about 3,000 km (as the crow flies) to spend the winter in Israel. Since the fall of 2014 it has been documented annually in Emek Harod.


info from Urmas about this stork:
As much as we know, 7102 is one of earliest storks in Estonia every spring. Breeding time that stork spends in Saaremaa Island, but no data if 7102 nested really in those years. Rather visits different nests and moves between those. Probably does not have a mate.
colour highlighting by me

Harod Valley: The Harod Valley (Hebrew: עמק חרוד, romanized: Emek Harod) is a valley in the Northern District of Israel. It is the eastern part of the Jezreel Valley, a transitional zone that extends to the Beit She'an Valley. (wiki)

Emek Harod
source: By Levitas leonid - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.p ... d=29014593
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »


On top of what Urmas wrote, this bird has hanged around in two nests on his way to EE also in LV three years in a row (2018-2020), not the last two ones. 1st year it spent almost one month in LV, mating with two different females and then went to EE. Estonian ringing center has all the records from LV. So it is an interesting bird – obviousluy not „good enough” to be chosen by some female for more serious purposes than „sex on the way” despite his age. It’s not the only one of that kind.
(Dr. Māris Strazds, who was also interested in this - I got additional information for him from the author of the photo)

colour highlighting by me
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »

https://www.facebook.com/avichai.ran/p ... oH9dWXvsYl
20.02.2023 by Avichai Ran

Harod Valley, February 2023:

- Stork 7102: from Estonia, summer 2013 (2950 km). Since the fall of 2014 it has been recorded every year in Harod Valley.
(see also: viewtopic.php?p=11373#p11373)

- Stork 66V8: from Czech Republic, June 2019. Recorded in Eilat in December 2019 and also in 2021.

- Stork 163W: from Poland, marked in July 2018 (chick), 2300 km.

- Stork 10F3: from western Poland, June 2020, Poznan (2600 km).

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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »


- Stork 66V8: from Czech Republic, June 2019. Recorded in Eilat in December 2019 and also in 2021.

info by Tomáš Prouza - big thx!

ringing: 12.06.2019 in Miletín (Královéhradecký region, Czech Republic)
ringer: P. Kafka
- January 2020: 2x Eilat (Israel)
- May 2021: Třesický rybník (Czech Republic)
- July 2021: Žeretice (Czech Republic, 20 km from native nest)

Miletín: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milet%C3%ADn

Eilat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eilat

Třesický rybník: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%99es ... ybn%C3%ADk
photos https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cate ... ybn%C3%ADk

Žeretice: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BDeretice
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »

March 21

FB אופיר בן חמו
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... 4886594279

Spring migration 2023
I was called today to assist a black stork that was seen in the fish ponds at Kibbutz Gesher suffering a wing injury that prevented her from continuing her migration north.
According to the ring that a stork has on her foot, I learned that she was born in Poland in the port city of Gdansk (formerly known as Danzig).
With the help of Tzukit Raviv, volunteer Hiblons the stork will move to the wildlife shelter, I hope and believe that after the treatment at the wildlife shelter the stork will be able to return back to nature to continue the migration back home to Poland.
Photo: Bar Pinchas

18H3 - subadult

(who knows - maybe he got caught in the nets above the ponds)
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Re: Ringed black storks observation

Post by marika.solo »

RESEREVED for some ringed stork observations
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