Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

I didn't know. Thank you very much Marika!
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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

21 września/ 21 September
09:30 na patyczku, po prawej stronie gniazda siedzi rudzik / 09:30 The European robin is sitting on a stick, on the right side of the nest
09:40 Kos na grubym konarze i Bogatka w gnieździe. / The common blackbird on the bough and the great tit in the nest.

Od 13:38 mali GOŚCIE w gniazdku🐦 - Gromadka Bogatek / The great tits visiting the nest🥰

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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

24 września/ 24 September
11:31 Ponowna wizyta Bogatek, jedna zainteresowała się kamera The Great tits (Parus major) are visiting again. One of them became interested in the camera. :lol:

Rysx nagrał tę samą sikorkę w zwolnionym tempie i zauważył że pokazała się na kamerce aż 2 razy
Rysx recorded the same great tit in slow motion and noticed that it appeared on the camera twice.
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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

25 września/ 25 September
Jastrząb z wizytą / Visit of the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Filmik Rysx z przylotu / Video by Rysx showing arrival

Kilka chwil przed odlotem i sam odlot / A few moments before departure and the departure itself.
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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

27 września/ 27 September
11:11 W gnieździe Kowalik i po chwili bogatka / The Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea) and the great tit (Parus major) visiting the nest
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bozena Isia
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by bozena Isia »

6 października/6 October

Z powodu nieprawidłowego działania transmisji, udało się zobaczyć myszołowa w gnieździe 1 października🙃
Thanks to a malfunctioning UNLISTED transmission, I was able to record the common buzzard in the nest on October the 1st.

Myszołów w powiększeniu na filmiku Rysx / The common buzzard enlarged on the video by Rysx
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by Justyna »

Hello humans. I haven't thought you would like my story that much, so I decided to describe the further fate of our Florek family. After the recent events that took place in our nest, there has been peace. My parents took care of me, fed me and we had a good life.
One day, when I was sitting in the nest with my dad, he was telling me about his first journey to the warm climes. It was a very long and valuable story for me. I learned that during the first journey into the world, many of our stork brothers and sisters die because of exhaustion, die on electricity power lines, or are simply attacked by an animal while resting.
Some time later, I was left alone on the nest for the night for the first time, I was very worried. The night was dark but calm, no uninvited guest visited me. The night passed quickly and in the morning my mum arrived with a large amount of fish. On that day, my dad felt to caresses, as if I was still a sweet little baby. Imagine that even though I was already quite large, my dad decided to cover me with his body, just like he did when we still were little chicks. Those of you who were observing us that day must have had a lot of fun with the situation described above. 😂 Of course, my dad didn't see anything strange about it and told me that for him I would always be his little nestling. When mom came back to the nest, I told her what a nice day we had and how much dad loves me. She was very happy about having such a loving partner. The next few days passed peacefully, our parents were flying out to get food, coming back and we were eating together. When I was alone, I practiced wings flapping and jumping a lot.
After a few days this nasty hawk showed up. Fortunately, my mum was with me, so I was safe. As soon as she noticed him she said "he came here again, I won't let you take my last baby." Mom stood still for a moment and stared at the place where she had seen him. After a longer time, the hawk realized that he had no chance because she was watching him and he finally flew away. The next day we received a holiday postcard from my older siblings Figo and Fago. Figo wrote that he was in the Danube delta and was doing well. Fago, however, wrote that she is currently on the Tisza River near Szeged in Hungary and, as her brother, she is doing well. Mom and Dad were very happy to receive a postcard from their children. I was also happy that everything was fine with them. One day, when I was sitting in the nest and waiting for my parents, a strange stork visited me. At first I thought it was one of the parents, but no, the guest was sitting far away, he didn't approach the nest, he just sat on the branch nearby and was observing me. I was very scared, he didn't say anything, he just sat, observed and nothing else. After a longer moment, the guest flew away without a word, and I was alone again, waiting for my parents to tell them what a strange and mysterious guest I've had. And at this point we are getting closer to the story where you will learn my name :). As my parents told me, the day has came when my uncles and aunt come to the nest to give me nice jewelry so that I could send them holiday postcards. As I mentioned to you earlier, the names for us are chosen by you, our regular observers. Mom and dad were right that I would get a beautiful name. I won't tell you what the story behind the name was, because you probably remember it well. I can only write that I am very grateful to aunt Basia for this beautiful name she came up with for me. Well, now let me introduce myself to you, my name is Fernando.
I'm sitting quietly on the nest and suddenly I hear some steps and voices that don't sound like storks one. I stood up and looked down. I saw three humans down there. They stood under my nest and were looking up. I wondered who they were and what they wanted from me. At that moment I remembered my parents' words that one day my uncles and aunt would come to me and give me jewelry that would help me communicate with them when I flew out into the world. When I noticed that one of them was climbing to the nest, like a stork guarding its home, I started making scary sounds to chase him away. Suddenly there was darkness, I couldn't see anything, but I calmed down. They put me into a bag and brought me down. I tried to get out of it, stuck my head out and then I wanted to hit my beak on them. What kind of customs are there to enter someone's house and take him away? They put something over my head again to calm me down. It helped, I was calm and they talked. They weighed me, measured me, checked whether I was healthy and put jewelry on both legs. I was already calm and polite :)
Eventually, they put me back to the nest. I was hoping for some fish as a reward, but unfortunately they didn't give me anything... well, that's too bad. I was waiting for my parents to tell them everything. In the meantime, another postcard arrived from Figo and Fago. Figo has been sitting between the Danube and the Danube distributary - Sulina, for a second week now, and Fago is still in Hungary. To be continued...
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Re: Łódź (Florentino/Flo and Fermina/Fer)

Post by marika.solo »

Justyna wrote: 03 Dec 2023, 22:25
Hi Justyna :-)
It is so nice "to see" you again.
Thank you very much for this poetic recapitulation of life on the nest. A great idea and a very nice implementation. :D
I look forward to the continuation of the story.
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