Bolewice - Skierka and Królewicz/Prince

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Bolewice - Skierka and Królewicz/Prince

Post by marika.solo »

BocianiMy Bolewice

documenting the life on streamed black stork nest of SKIERKA + Królewicz/Prince in Bolewice Forest District
(see also our FB page

the video transmission from the nest is streaming in Youtube:

If disturbances in the stream happen, then the broadcast is restarted, working on a new link. You can always look up the new link from the Komitet Ochrony Orłów Eagle Conservation Committee channel:


1/ ... ka_8_29-49
Dolata, Paweł (2018). Bocian czarny w Polsce i jego ochrona. Wszechnica Biebrzańska 8: 29–49.

2/ ... ternet.pdf
Zawadzki, Grzegorz (2018) BocianiMy w lasach. Rogów : SGGW Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrod-
niczo-Leśnej: Muzeum Lasu i Drewna, 2018.

3/ ... _78_83.pdf
... (2014) Bocian czarny – tajemniczy mieszkaniec pierwotnego lasu. TATRY TPN wiosna 2014, 78-83.


male BOLEK - ring nr: no ring - the male returdned to the nest on 18.04 viewtopic.php?p=13310#p13310 and did not rebuild the nest after his arrival viewtopic.php?p=14109#p14109 and next post

female SKIERKA- ring nr: ?
- spring migration thread viewtopic.php?p=11280#p11280 (autumn migration thread: viewtopic.php?p=7637#p7637)
- 12.03.2023 Skierka arrived to the nesting area (no streaming)
- 02.04.2023 Skierka found another nest this year and a new male (there is no coverage at all only photo-trap)

NEW NEST for SKIERKA in this forest district

Skierka's new nest is far from the one in Bolewice from 2022 by 6 km, and from the one from 2021 in Wolsztyn by 25 km. (viewtopic.php?p=12415#p12415)

This stork site has only been in existence for two years. For the first time there was a successful breeding in it this year.
It was rebuilt by members of the Eagle Conservation Committee on March 14, 2023 as it had almost completely fallen down. The male returned from migration on March 21, and a day later Skierka appeared at the nest.

streaming started:
- 04.07.2023
The camera was placed at the nest in a single old sessile oak before the arrival of the storks in mid-March, but for technical reasons the online transmission was not possible from the very beginning.

- 21.03 male Królewicz:
- 22.03 female Skierka to this nest

EGGs- laying
05.04 - the first egg
11.04 - the fourth egg

CHICKs - hatching
09.05 - the first hatchling
11.05 - the fourth hatchling

- 17.06 - ringing (chicks aged about 35 days, in excellent condition and weighed 2.5 kg each)
- 04.07 - transmitters (aged about 50-55 days, chicks are in good condition)
viewtopic.php?p=19685#p19685 + video by KOO

VS1804, 16L8 (wing: 453mm, weight: 2860g) - GRZEGORZ
VS1805, 17L8 (wing: 440mm, weight: 2710g) - STEFAN
VS1806, 18L8 (wing: 435mm, weight: 2640g) - JOLA
VS1807, 19L8 (wing: 444mm, weight: 2990g) - DAREK

05.07 chicks got names

- 15.07 Stefan
- all fledged (to the nearby branches - GPS data)

- Stefan and Darek: 18.07 (approx. 73-74 days old) - last seen on the nest 15.13.06 viewtopic.php?p=20895#p20895
- Jola: 27.07 last seen on the nest at 11.31.06 viewtopic.php?p=21904#p21904
last feeding on the nest : 25.07 feeding 1/ Królewicz at 10.14 + 2/ 11.29 feeding by Skierka (Jola was alone on the nest); at 14.58 male arrived again, but don't feed Jola (fishes still on the nest bottom); 26.07 no one came to feed
- Grzegorz: 28.07 last seen on the nest at 19.47.10 viewtopic.php?p=22017#p22017
last feeding on the nest on 27.06 at 17.13 by male Królewicz

- female Skierka: 25.07 at 11.29.26 (she feeds Jola/last time ate this storklet on the nest this time) viewtopic.php?p=21661#p21661

migration thread: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=135

18.07 young people under the nest scared the storklets viewtopic.php?p=20832#p20832
video (by Urszula)
- 2 of them returned the same day (Grzegorz, Jola)
24.07 racoon visited the nest in heavy rain
video (by Urszula)

DAREK (the biggest/heaviest storklet) perished - probably electrocuted (last data 23.07)
JOLA (the smallest/lightest storklet) perished - probably starved (on 29.07)

documentation by our Maria L. (playlist) ... 45WbEP6M7-
documentation by our Urszula (playlist)

all comments under KOO videos are very interesting - informative
5.07 - Królewicz z Bolewic:
5.07 - Skierka z Bolewic:
6.07 - ćwiczenia skrzydeł:
9.07 - 60 dzień życia piskląt:
15.07 - pierwszy lot za gniazdo Stefana 17L8:
18.07 - spłoszenie młodych przez ludzi: the scare of young storks by humans
18.07 - para ptaków przy gnieździe:
21.07 - wspólny początek wędrówki Stefana i Darka
24.07 - szop pracz w gnieździe:
24.07 - Darek prawdopodobnie kolizja z linią energetyczną - DAREK is probably electrocuted
25.07 - samica Skierka ostatni raz przy gnieździe (karmi tylko Jolę)
27.07 - samiec Królewicz ostatni raz przy gnieździe (karmi tylko Grzegorza)
29.07 - początek wędrówki Grzegorza
29.07 - Jola nie odlatuje, pada z osłabienia 300 m od gniazda - JOLA does not fly away, died from weakness 300 m from the nest

SEASON 2022 (overview on this first page) viewtopic.php?p=4405#p4405)
new nest for Skierka and new male named Bolek in Bolewice Forest District
female Skierka spends the winter regularly in Greece on the Struma River near the Kerkini National Park in Macedonia. On March 4 (2022), she began spring migration to the north. She came to the nest in Wolsztyn on March 12 (2022), but did not find the male Titan, who appeared at the nest only on April 30. That is why Skierka flew several nests and on April 1 she met the male BOLEK, with whom she started the brood.
- 4 eggs, 2 chick hatched: Bajka - color ring number 11U6 (plastic), VU8837 (metal) and Bodzio - color ring number 12U6 (plastic), VU8838 (metal)
- both storklet received transmitter: autumn migration thread viewtopic.php?f=66&t=80; last info:
BODZIO: looks like he's alive, but he's holed up on the Portuguese-Spanish border" (FB info on 10.11.2022, GT); he broke off in nature (FB info on 25.12.2022, GT) - I don't understand what it means
BAJKA: he is doing well and wintering in S Turkey, near the border with Syria (FB info 25.12.2022, GT)

SEASON 2021 (recap) viewtopic.php?p=1071#p1071
female Skierka joined the first successful brood with male Tytan in the Wolsztyn Forest District
- 3 eggs, 2 chick hatched: Skarlet - color ring number 16J6, Tytus - color ring number 17J6
- both storklet received transmitter; last info:
Contact with TYTUS broke off in Hungary on September 20 (2021) on the Koros River. (FB info)
Last info about SKARLET: "in Slovakia near the village Medveďovo" (26.07.2022 email info sent to me by Mr. D.Anderwald)

female SKIERKA
(source: ... otCbWNjAul)

the male Królewicz/Prince the current partner of Skierka (Fot. G.Gaczyński)
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by Justyna »

here is this post (migation thread for Skierka) viewtopic.php?p=11590#p11590

SKIERKA arrived today to her nesting area in 2023 season :D
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by marika.solo »

March 15
Hello everyone :-)

FB news ... sZPv2UmYl (in comment)

Dzień dobry, jutro nasza spec ekipa 💪 jedzie w teren do Wolsztyna, Bolewic i Sierakowa, żeby "odpalić" transmisje online 🖥 Po zimie może być różnie, więc prosimy o trzymanie kciuków 👍 za prace podłączeniowe.

Good morning, tomorrow our spec team 💪 is going to the field to Wolsztyn, Bolewice and Sieraków to "start" online broadcasts 🖥 It can be different after winter, so please keep your fingers crossed 👍 for the connection work.

btw. Sieraków Forest District - Notecka Forest (Puszcza Notecka) = nest of Notek and Nutka
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by marika.solo »

April 02
Hello everyone :-)

youtube chat info (Notecka Forest)

10:15 AM bociany czarne
​Dzień dobry, super dziś dzień w PN. Mamy info o Skierce, że znalazła w tym roku kolejne gniazdo i ... samca. Nie wiadomo jeszcze czy dojdzie do konsumpcji związku, ale raczej tak. Miłego dnia 🙂

10:15 AM black storks
Good morning, great day in PN today. We have information about Skierka that she found another nest this year and ... a male. It is not yet known whether the compound will be consumed, but probably yes. Have a nice day 🙂
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by marika.solo »

and next info

10:32 AM bociany czarne
​Tam, gdzie jest obecnie Skierka nie ma kompletnie zasięgu, ale ... zamontowaliśmy tam fotpułapkę, więc materiał (tylko zdjęcia) się zgrywa. W połowie sezonu zgramy wszystko z kary CD i udostępnimy.

Where Skierka is now, there is no coverage at all, but ... we have installed a camera trap there, so the material (only photos) is being uploaded. Halfway through the season, we'll rip everything from the CD penalty and make it available.
(without correction now)

10:38 AM bociany czarne
​Nowe gniazdo Skierki jest oddalone od tego w Bolewicach z 2022r. o 6 km, natomiast od tego z 2021r. w Wolsztynie o 25 km.

Skierka's new nest is far from the one in Bolewice from 2022 by 6 km, and from the one from 2021 in Wolsztyn by 25 km.
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by Madli »

Oh that's interesting!
Although I already got the impression last year that Skierka is the kind of girl who likes to keep her options open :D

Now we keep our fingers crossed for dear Bolek and that he finds a new girlfriend too ;)
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 02 Apr 2023, 11:31
yes, Bolek and Tytan too; they both are good males - fathers, excellent food providers

Skierka: do you mean her visit at the end of the season to the nest in Wolsztyn?
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by Madli »

I meant with Skierka how she also visited several nests before the season last year. And also how she has chosen 3 different partners by now when they usually say that a stork pair remains together for more than one year and return to the same nest. (For example Karl2 and Kaia)

I guess that happens when a female arrives much earlier than male partners and she has no other choice to look for a suitable breedibg place herself ;)
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Maria L
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and new female?)

Post by Maria L »

06 Kwietnia

Witam Wszystkich:-),

Przekaz Bocian czarny Online Bolewice / Black stork Online Bolewice został uruchomiony:


Czekamy na przylot Bolka i jego partnerki...
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Re: Bolewice (Bolek and Skierka)

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 02 Apr 2023, 14:28 I meant with Skierka how she also visited several nests before the season last year. And also how she has chosen 3 different partners by now when they usually say that a stork pair remains together for more than one year and return to the same nest. (For example Karl2 and Kaia.)
I guess that happens when a female arrives much earlier than male partners and she has no other choice to look for a suitable breedibg place herself ;)
It's very individual even with ringed storks - not all are faithful to the nest, but that's more usual.
Only some males wait even longer for their previous partner. They will usually accept the first female that flies into the nest (if they are mutually attractive ;-) ).
Skierka seems to be a confirmation of how strongly hormones work - and therefore the need to find a partner, a nest, where the reproductive process can begin.

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