SPAIN - Grefa Wildlife Hospital

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SPAIN - Grefa Wildlife Hospital

Post by marika.solo »

GREFA Wildlife Hospital

documenting the life on streamed black stork nest of male SOL + female SOMBRA (two animals irrecoverable for life in freedom but whose descendants are perfectly viable) in Grefa Wildlife Hospital in Majahonda 16 km northwest of Madrid

"Experimental program that GREFA launched four years ago aimed at the release of black stork chickens born in our Captive Breeding Center." (more info: ... sular.html#)

(see also our FB page

the video transmission from the nest is streaming in Youtube:

If disturbances in the stream happen, then the broadcast is restarted, working on a new link. You can always look up the new link from the GREFA channel:


streaming started:
on 08.04.2024

EGGs- laying
- FIRST egg: 08.04 (?)
- SECOND egg: 10.04
- THIRD egg:
- FOURTH egg:

CHICKs - hatching







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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »

UrszulaMN wrote: 08 Apr 2024, 17:54 New nest BS.

Cigüeñas negras en GREFA

Using a monitoring system, we constantly track animals recovering at the GREFA Wildlife Hospital, as well as pairs of endangered species that breed in our farm. This is the case of "Sol" and "Sombra", our breeding black storks, whose daily life in the nest can now also be observed live via the GREFA YouTube channel.

Since 2020, more than ten chicks have been born by the male "Sol" and the female "Sombra" - these are the names of the members of a pair of black storks that breed year after year without fail. at the GREFA breeding center for endangered species. These are two animals that are not suitable for living in the wild, but whose offspring are fully viable. In fact, once the chicks are fully grown, we release them into the wild to bolster the wild population of the species, just as we recently did with the chicks born last year.

The peculiarity of "Sola" and "Sombra" is that the artificial nest that we built for them to breed is integrated into the network of enclosures of our Ecological Education Center "Living Nature", located next to the GREFA Wild Fauna Hospital, in Majadahonda (Madrid). This means that the reproductive activities of these two black storks can be observed by people visiting our center without causing any discomfort to the birds, thanks to the fact that the facility in which they live is specially designed for this purpose and has a glass window.

Well, through live broadcasts on the GREFA YouTube channel, we have gone a step further and now you can have access to the image transmitted by the camera you are with, at any time and from anywhere, wherever you are. in our breeding center.

source: ... entro.html
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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »

Interesting information and very nice photos + videos

At this time, we have already removed the first clutch from "Sol" and "Sombra" and the female has just laid the second clutch. A fascinating process that is repeated every year in our breeding center, which you can now watch at any time through the streaming of the GREFA YouTube channel. ( ... entro.html)
I am writing to an expert from Spain to see if the translation is correct

still in preparation ... entro.html
08.04.2024 You can already follow live the reproduction of the black stork of our center ... sular.html
12.03.2024 Six black storks are heading towards their release in the central peninsular area ... adrid.html (+ VIDEO)
20.04.2023 GREFA releases a copy of black stork, endangered species in the Community of Madrid ... vidad.html (+ VIDEOS)
03.09.2021 PRESS NOTE: GREFA and the Community of Madrid release three black stork chicks raised in captivity and marked with GPS ... grefa.html (+ VIDEOS - so nice little chicks)
20.06.2020 Good thing, the black stork breeds for the first time at GREFA
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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »

next day 09.04 viewtopic.php?p=28533#p28533

April 08
Hello everyone :-)

FB GREFA news today ... 3RcFhiE9gl
08.04 at 17.43
You can now follow live the breeding of the black storks from our center! ... XM5YRmqApj ... zURi65VE1l
08.04.2024 at 17.44
The animals recovering at the GREFA Wildlife Hospital, as well as the pairs of the endangered species that breed at our breeding center, are constantly monitored by a video-surveillance system. It's the case of "Sol" and "Shadow", our black breeding storks, whose day to day in the nest you can now also watch live through the GREFA channel on Youtube.
Accessing YouTube "live":

I scrolled back to make sure they only had one egg so far... and there was a fight during the change

Stork (male?) comes with a "handful of grass" in his bill. Stork (female?) who he incubated stands up (tail feathers slightly spread). M(?) drops the grass into the nest and wants to get to the eggs. F(?) doesn't want to leave immediately. M (?) grabs her head :shock: .
F (?) come out of the nesting hole and as if trying to push out the M (?). M (?) grabs her leg and finally throws F (?) out of the nest.

I asked our forum member Judit, who shared news from this place (Grefa) on our FB page today and before too, to make a video.
EDIT: Here you are viewtopic.php?p=28511#p28511

some of my screenshots:

M (?) is collecting soft nest material

arrival to the nest

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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »

M (?) grabs her head (lightened)

F (?) does come out of the hole and as if trying to push out the M (?)

M (?) grabs her leg
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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »

very short fight, but not nice :-(


during the slow rewind, the picture in my ntbk fell apart - I don't have any more shots from the fight
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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »

the M (?) was bristling for enough long time, the female was most probably (very) nearby (I don't know how much space they have there)


here is she (?) in the view again
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Re: SPAIN - Grefa

Post by marika.solo »


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Re: SPAIN - Grefa Wildlife Hospital

Post by UrszulaMN »

Hmm, are there any other black storks there? :?:
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Re: SPAIN - Grefa Wildlife Hospital

Post by marika.solo »

We urgently need active members

- one person is able to responsibly cover 1 nest
- in addition to regular posts, as an administrator I prepare and update the first post in each thread so that we have an up-to-date overview - quick access to information and many other activities in the background

We will be happy to help you with technical questions and Google translator (or something better) will help you with language questions.

In case you are interested in reporting and/or documenting life on the nests, please, contact me by clicking on the mailbox symbol in the lower bar of the home page
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