previous data 06.04 viewtopic.php?p=28317#p28317
new data 09.04 viewtopic.php?p=28611#p28611
April 08 data
Hello everyone
Previous data:
- 06.04.2024, Distance: 4494 km (+ 822 km in 3 days)
- Turkey: Süleymanlı- a village in Manyas District of Balıkesir
NEW data
- 08.04.2024, Distance: 4781 km ( + 287 km in 2 days: on 07.04 she stayed in the same area)
- BULGARIA: Zhalti Bryag - a village in Stambolovo Municipality of Haskovo Province
(via Turkey/Europe and Greece)
Kuremari crossed today the Sea of Marmara via eastern edge of the Sea and the Gulf of Saros - north of the Dardanelles.
STREET VIEW (direction to Kuremari's localisation) Google Street View Mar 2012