KARL II, adult male from the streamed nest in Karula NP

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KARL II, adult male from the streamed nest in Karula NP

Post by marika.solo »

in this thread we follow male Karl II from the streamed nest in Karula National Park (the 3rd season)

KARL II, adult male, streamed nest in Karula NP https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2022/aut ... =0&speed=1

the text on the birdmap is now about Karl = Karl I - previous male on the streamed nest in Karula NP
Last data: 15.07.2022, Distance: 0 km
Karl II is still "at home"

birdmap info:
An adult Black Stork, breeding in webcam nest of Karula National Park since 2019. Karl II owned the nest after the previous male stork Karl died during the spring migration in Syria. In the spring of 2020, the former female stork Kati did not return from her migration, and a young female, whom observers began to call Kaia, appeared belatedly in May. Kaia laid two eggs, but left the hatching unfinished. After the breeding appeared unsuccessful we got a chance to capture Karl II and install a transmitter on him." (Marika: on 21.07.2020)
"... Karl II made a long migration stop on the Black Sea coast between Kherson and the Crimea, and from there flew west around the Black Sea to Africa."

white ring with black code 715R on left leg


0/ 01. 09 migration started
- first birdmap update 01.09.2022, Distance: 408 km (BELARUS: Obchuga - in Krupki District of Minsk region )

1/ stop-over site:
- 1st: UKRAINE Kherson - Dnipro river; from 05.09 to 19.09 (14 days)
Karl II had flown to his usual stop over area on the Black Sea coast at Perekop Bay by evening September 5th, but the next day he flew away from there, 80 km north to the Dnipro river flood plaines, while checking the feeding places of previous years.
In 6-19 September, Karl II stopped at the floodplains of the Dnipro river, in a militarily sense rather hot place between Kherson and Kahovka.
On September 19th, Karl II went to see if the conditions on the Black Sea coast had calmed down, but turned back to the Dnipro river and from there in morning of September 20th, he flew further to the northwest, looking for suitable feeding places. In two days, without finding a good place to forage, Karl II reached the border of Moldova, in the delta of the Dniester River (by the evening of September 22).
(birdmap info)

- 2nd: UKRAINE the area of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in Ukraine from 23.09 to 03.10 (10 days)
(Sarata River viewtopic.php?p=9942#p9942 to 27.09, Killia viewtopic.php?p=10245#p10245 to 03.10)

3/ 04.10 migration continued viewtopic.php?p=10245#p10245
(04.10 Bulgaria)

4/ 05.10 crossing the Sea of Marmara (over the Sea) viewtopic.php?p=10271#p10271
(Turkey 06.,07.,08.10)

5/ 09.10 crossing the Gulf of İskenderun viewtopic.php?p=10392#p10392
(Turkey 10.,11.,12.,13.10 in the same area - Kumlu District of Hatay Province)

6/ continuation to the south:
- Lebanon 14.10, Jordan/Jordan Valley 15.10, Israel 16.10

7/ 17. + 18.10 crossing the Gulf of Suez viewtopic.php?p=10598#p10598
(17.10 night resting on the Shadwan Island - Gulf of Suez)
- Karl II flew the most southerly direction

8/ Africa: Karl II continued on his usually way to the Nile. The latest localisation is on 18.10 to the east from Kom Ombo - town in Kom Ombo Merkez (district) of Aswan Governorate (rocky area south from the irrigated fields there). viewtopic.php?p=10598#p10598

- new data arrived in spring 2022 on March 4 (2021 on March 08), already on Karl's II way home viewtopic.php?p=1116#p1116
- Karl's II wintering area is near the southern border of Central African Republic, Mbomou prefecture

number of days in stop-over sites: Adriána - thank you for your help :-)

Autumn migration 2021-22

0/ 23.08 migration started
- 25.-27.08 Belarus
1/stop-over site by the Black Sea
from 30.08 to 09.10
2/ 10.10 migration continued
- 11.10 Bulgaria, 13.10 Turkey (Thracia)
3/ 14.10 crossing the Sea of Marmara (near the eastern shore/Istanbul)
- 14., 15., 16.10 Turkey
4/ 17.10 crossing the Gulf of Iskenderun
- 17., 18.10 Syria, Lebanon; 18.10 Israel (to 21.10 in Tirat Zvi)
5/ 23.10 crossing the Gulf of Suez
6/ Africa (after 6 days of silence - new data on 27.10)
- Sudan, Merowe Dam area and next/last: 28.10.2021 near Al-Ubayyd, North Kordofan, Sudan

- new data arrived in spring on March 4, already on the way home viewtopic.php?p=1116#p1116
- Karl's wintering area is near the southern border of Central African Republic, Mbomou prefecture

Karl's autumn migration is documented in our forum:
- to 31.12.2021 (with other BS from Estonia) viewtopic.php?f=51&t=2
- from 01.01.2022 (own thread) viewtopic.php?p=1116#p1116

Autumn migration 2020-21
there the situation viewtopic.php?p=444#p444 and next - also with his wintering area (photos too)


(source: birdmap - https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/admin/pildi ... s_0236.jpg)
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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by Madli »

August 29

Karl II left the nest at 14.10 and started migration right after that.

posted by Looduskalender - E, 29.08.2022 at 20.47

Isalind Karl Karula pesaomanik käis peale arvatavat pesalt lahkumist kaamera vaateväljas veel kolmel korral – kõik on korras kurepoegadest pole keegi pesale naasnud.
Karl alustas rännet veidi enne kella veerand kolme…
Homme saame heal juhul andmed raadiosaatjast ehk võime kinnitada, et ränne on alanud.

The owner of the Karula nest, male bird Karl came to the nest 3 more times after the presumable leaving of the nest - everything was fine and no storklets returned to the nest.
Karl started migration a little after 14.15...
Tomorrow we can hopefully confirm that the migration has begun.

30.08 Karl II is back at the nest!
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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by marika.solo »

August 30

youtube chat info

Karl II on endiselt Eestis, ei ole alustanud teekonda lõunasse (info foorumis)
Karl II is still in Estonia, has not started his journey to the south (info in the forum)
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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by Adria »

September 01

YT chat info :
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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by Adria »

September 2
Hello everyone :-)

New birdmap update for KARL II https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2022/aut ... =0&speed=1

Previous data
- 31.08.2022, Distance: 0 km
- Estonia

NEW data
- 01.09.2022, Distance: 408 km
- BELARUS: Krupki District, Minsk region



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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by Adria »

September 02
Hello everyone :-)

New birdmap update for KARL II https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2022/aut ... =0&speed=1

Previous data viewtopic.php?p=9391#p9391
- 01.09.2022, Distance :408 km
- BELARUS: Krupki District, Minsk region

NEW data
- 02.09.2022, Distance: 640 km ( + 232 km )
- BELARUS: Zhlobin District - south


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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by Adria »


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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by marika.solo »

NO new data

Last data: 02.09.2022 viewtopic.php?p=9391#p9391
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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by Madli »

I suspect that Karl II is somewhere deep within Ukrainian borders and thus we don't get any data for now...
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Re: KARL II, adult male from the nest in Karula NP

Post by marika.solo »

New birdmap update for KARL II https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2022/aut ... =0&speed=1

NEW data:
- 04.09.2022, Distance: 1196 km (+ 556 km in 2 days)
- UKRAINE: north from Mal'chevs'ke/Мальчевське in Kropyvnytskyi Raion, Kirovohrad oblast

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