WABA (hatched 2022)

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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by Adria »

previous data: Aug 29 viewtopic.php?p=23972#p23972
next data: Aug 31 viewtopic.php?p=24029#p24029

August 30 data
Hello everyone :-)

Birdmap update for WABA https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2023/aut ... =0&speed=1

Previous data:
- 29.08.2023, Distance: 2506 km (+ 16 km)
- UKRAINE: Zoziv (Зозів) - a village (Lypovets commune) in Vinnytsia Raion/district of Vinnytsia oblast/province

NEW data mid-flight data
- 30.08.2023, Distance: 2525 km (+ 22 km)
- UKRAINE: Korolivka (Королівка) a village (Lypovets commune) in Vinnytsia Raion/district of Vinnytsia oblast/province


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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

on the way back Waba searched for food in the area of the Ruda river


big PHOTO https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1 ... cRRw_=h720 by VIP GADGET

Широка Руда — річка в Україні, у межах Липовецького району Вінницької області. Права притока Собу (басейн Південного Бугу). Тече через села Струтинка та Гордіївка. Впадає у Соб за 87 км від гирла. Довжина — 11 км. Площа басейну — 44,2 км².

Wide Ruda is a river in Ukraine, within the Lipovetsky district of Vinnytsia region. Right tributary of Sob (Southern Bug/Southern Buh/Boh River Basin). It flows through the villages of Strutynka and Hordiivka. It falls into Sob 87 km from the mouth. Length is 11 km. The area of the pool is 44.2 km2.
(https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A8%D0 ... 0%B4%D0%B0 - 2 PHOTOS of the river)

PHOTO 1 Автор: Visem - Власна робота, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.p ... d=34839066
PHOTO 2 Автор: Visem - Власна робота, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.p ... d=34839067
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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

NEW data mid-flight data

- 31.08.2023, Distance: 2557 km (+ 32 km)
- UKRAINE: Penkivka (Пеньківка) - a village (Lypovets commune) in Vinnytsia Raion/district of Vinnytsia oblast/province

Waba is again on one trip ;-). First our stork flew to the SE and current line is to the NW (west from Korolivka) in the area of the Mul river/річка Мул (or it is tributary of the Mul river?)
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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by Adria »

previous data: Aug 30 viewtopic.php?p=24010#p24010
next data: Sep 01 viewtopic.php?p=24126#p24126

August 31 data
Hello everyone :-)

Birdmap update for WABA https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2023/aut ... =0&speed=1

Previous data:
- 30.08.2023, Distance: 2525 km (+ 22 km)
- UKRAINE: Korolivka (Королівка) a village (Lypovets commune) in Vinnytsia Raion/district of Vinnytsia oblast/province

NEW data mid-flight data:
- 31.08.2023, Distance: 2557 km (+ 32 km)
- UKRAINE: Penkivka (Пеньківка) - a village (Lypovets commune) in Vinnytsia Raion/district of Vinnytsia oblast/province


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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

Mul, also Mala Kobylnia, is a river in Ukraine, within the Lipovets district of Vinnytsia region. It is a right tributary of the Kobylnia (a tributary of the Desna, the Southern Bug basin). It flows through the villages of Shchaslyva, Lozuvata, Penkivka and Kozyntsi. It flows into the Kobylnia River 12 km from its mouth, its length is 15 km. The basin covers 77.2 km².

there are 3 photos - the area where Waba flew today

Ставок на річці Мул між Пеньківкою та Козинцями - A pond on the Mul River between Penkivtsi and Kozintsi (Created on 25 July 2020)

Автор: Visem - Власна робота, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.p ... d=92594561
(source: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D1 ... 020)_2.jpg)

Річка Мул в околицях села Пеньківка - Mul river near Penkivka (Created on 25 July 2020)

Автор: Visem - Власна робота, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.p ... d=92629555
(source: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D1 ... nkivka.jpg)
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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

birdmap update Sep 02

NEW data (mid-flight data)
- 01.09.2023, Distance: 2590 km (+ 33 km)
- UKRAINE: Luka (Лука) - a village in Vinnytsia Raion/district (former Nemyrivs'kyi) of Vinnytsia oblast/province

Waba is flying direction south (SW)
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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by Adria »

previous data: Aug 31 viewtopic.php?p=24029#p24029
next data: Sep 02 viewtopic.php?p=24139#p24139

September 01 data
Hello everyone :-)

Birdmap update for WABA https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2023/aut ... =0&speed=1

Previous data:
- 31.08.2023, Distance: 2557 km (+ 32 km)
- UKRAINE: Penkivka (Пеньківка) - a village (Lypovets commune) in Vinnytsia Raion/district of Vinnytsia oblast/province

NEW data mid-flight data:
- 01.09.2023, Distance: 2590 km (+ 33 km)
- UKRAINE: Luka (Лука) - a village in Vinnytsia Raion/district (former Nemyrivs'kyi) of Vinnytsia oblast/province


Posts: 8783
Joined: 19 Apr 2022, 20:11

Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by Adria »



Fotozona "Vyd Na R.pivdennyy Buh"
Photo Oleksandra Semeniuk 5/2023 https://goo.gl/maps/9DC38pTJbbFgPeTk6
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Posts: 14363
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Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

birdmap update 02.09/second

NEW data:
- 02.09.2023, Distance: 2638 km (+ 48 km)
- UKRAINE: Chukiv - a village in Nemyrivs'kyi district of Vinnytsia oblast

Nurme's area :D newest localisation is between Chukiv and Yosypenky
Posts: 8783
Joined: 19 Apr 2022, 20:11

Re: WABA (hatched 2022)

Post by Adria »

previous data: Sep 01 viewtopic.php?p=24126#p24126
next data: Sep 03 viewtopic.php?p=24182#p24182

September 02 data
Hello everyone :-)

Birdmap update for WABA https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2023/aut ... =0&speed=1

Previous data:
- 01.09.2023, Distance: 2590 km (+ 33 km)
- UKRAINE: Luka (Лука) - a village in Vinnytsia Raion/district (former Nemyrivs'kyi) of Vinnytsia oblast/province

NEW data :
- 02.09.2023, Distance: 2638 km (+ 48 km)
- UKRAINE: Chukiv - a village in Nemyrivs'kyi district of Vinnytsia oblast


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